Isle of Wight Council

Document Library A to Z

Documents beginning with the letter 'N'

NT46 DM Modification Request - location map, to be linked to DMMO register

Illustration showing all planned, or completed, junction improvements in Newport as part of Newport Strategic Junction Improvement programme.

The Neighbourhoods directorate recognises the importance of providing advice and support to businesses in order to achieve compliance as well as supporting economic development and growth. However, where it becomes necessary to take enforcement action against a business, or individual, such action will be taken.

There is a wide range of tools available to officers. In principle, a logical process of  regulation and enforcement should take place where offences have been committed. This should be a graduated approach with stages of informal/formal warnings prior to consideration of prosecution, revocation or other restrictive enforcement. Although there may be situations where the context and severity would result in more immediate enforcement.

This policy applies to all the legislation enforced by officers with delegated enforcement powers within the following services:

a)             Community Safety
b)             Environmental Health
c)              Environment Officers
d)             Housing Renewal
e)             Licensing
f)               Trading Standards
g)             Waste Management

For all planning applications that involve a net increase of residential units (this includes tourist accommodation), the IWC requires applicants to demonstrate that their development would not cause harm to the Solent protected sites as a result of drainage that would result in a net increase in nutrients.

An assessment of the nutrient and phosphorous budgets required to support development within the Island Planning Strategy

This Adoption Statement that has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Regulations 11 and 14 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

This Consultation Report explains how the Councils have undertaken public consultation to inform the development of the Design Guide, and how the engagement, feedback and responses received to date have influenced its development.

The Newport and Ryde Commercial Frontages Design Guide SPD has been subject to an equalities impact assessment 

 Summary of consultation responses from the Newport and Ryde Commercial Frontages Design Guide SPD consultation

The Design Guide was formally adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by the Isle of Wight Council on 22 November 2022 following a decision by Cabinet on 10 November 2022. The SPD will be used as a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications in Newport and Ryde Town Centres.

Notification to river users of works within Newport Harbour jurisdiction.

Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council - Neighbourhood Plan – Area designation application.

This document contains information on the planning permission granted to this development.

Summary Map of Newtown Conservation Area Boundary as of 19 April 1971

Summary of boundary for Norton Green Conservation Area as of 10/05/1996.

Summary of boundary for Newport Conservation Area as of 11 September 2007 

Newport Conservation Area Appraisal Adopted 11 September 2007

Map of Newport - Historic Town Centre Conservation Area Character Map as of September 2007

Map of Shide Cross Conservation Area Character Map as of September 2007

Map of St John’s Conservation Area Character Map as of September 2007

Newport Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Map as of 27 November 2001

Newport Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Schedule provides a list of the properties which are included in this direction.