Isle of Wight Council

Document Library A to Z

Documents beginning with the letter 'L'

This Habitat Action Plan has been prepared through consultation with a range of organisations and specialists within the Isle of Wight BAP Partnership. It was first produced in 2008 anf reviewed in 2008. Lowland meadows have been selected as a habitat action plan for the Isle of Wight to ensure that national objectives for this priority habitat identified under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan are translated into effective action on the Island, taking into account local issues.

The Isle of Wight Council's Local Transport Plans (LTP) sets out the framework for the development of a sustainable transport strategy on the Isle of Wight.

Our first LTP was adopted in 2001 and covers the years 2001 to 2006 and the second, LTP2, runs from 2006 to 2011.

For further information about the Local Transport Plan, please see

The intent of the project is to upgrade and improve sustainable transport infrastructure, travel information, and promote the sustainable transport network in order to grow the Island’s increasingly popular green tourism market. 

The Local Government Ombudsman has issued a report following her investigation of a complaint against Isle of Wight Council.  The complaint was about a planning and development matter.  The Ombudsman found that injustice had been caused by maladministration on the part of Isle of Wight Council.  Isle of Wight Council has agreed to take action which the Ombudsman regards as providing a satisfactory remedy for the complaint.

The Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy.  This policy sets out how the scheme will operate and what the qualifying conditions are for making awards from April 2013 to replace Council Tax Benefit

The Local Council Tax Support Vulnerability Policy provides a statement of intent of how the Council will address the issues of Child Poverty, The chronically sick and disabled, the Armed Forces Covenant, and work incentives through the Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy

The Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy (LCTS).  This policy sets out how the scheme will operate and what the qualifying conditions are for making awards from April 2014.  This replaces the previous LCTS scheme applied from April 2013 to March 2014.

Letter from the Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight Council to the Department for  Communities and Local Government, in response to the consultation on the proposed local government financial settlement.  Dated 14 January 2016.

Letter from John Metcalfe, Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight Council, in response to the government's call for evidence to inform its fair funding review of local authority services, for consideration and inclusion in the review.

DWP document for tenants to disclose second property details for Housing Benefit/Local Council Tax

Application for Local Council Tax Support for those who are already in receipt of Housing Benefit only

Map to show professionals working areas of EH Coordinators.

Local Access Forum (LAF) minutes of meeting 7th March 2019

LAF minutes from the meeting held on the 6th June 2019

The national Council Tax Benefit (CTB) scheme ended 31 March 2013 and was replaced by a locally determined system of Council Tax Support (CTS). The funding made available by Government for the new scheme was reduced initially by 10% nationally and cash limited with further reductions each year expected through the financial settlement. The aim of the support scheme is to provide financial assistance to council taxpayers who have low incomes. Persons who are of state pension credit qualifying age are protected under the scheme in that the calculation of the support they are to receive has been set by Central Government. For working age applicants however the support they receive on the Isle of Wight is to be determined by the Council.

The level of financial assistance for the scheme to be provided by Central Government has continued to reduce compared the level provided under the former Council Tax Benefit scheme. In order to fully or partly meet this funding gap the Council has had to review the previous CTS scheme provided to consider whether the scheme should continue or change in relation to the council tax support paid to working age claimants.

This completed EIA sets out the review considerations in providing the final Council Tax Support scheme for 2020/21 following the Council decisions of 20/11/2019 to provide a scheme during 2020/21.  The scheme will change, and this EIA review has been updated. 

Final scheme document for the agreed Local Council Tax Support scheme 2023/24 as agreed by Full Council 18 January 2023.

The Local Development Scheme sets out the council’s programme for preparing its local plan documents, and updates the version published in February 2020. 

Notes and attachments from the Local Access Forum (LAF) meeting 13/05/21

The purpose of the document is to set out the background to the proposed designation of Local Green
Space in the draft Island Planning Strategy.

This Local Housing Benefit scheme supplements the national Housing Benefit scheme and details the IWC's policy on the disregard of War Disablement and War Widows' Pensions in the calculation of Housing Benefit entitlement. 

General Instructions and Advice and the Port Marine Safety Code



First stage Equality Impact Assessment carried out regarding the proposed scheme for the Local Council Tax Support consultation. The proposed scheme would be implemented from 1 April 2024. 

This document sets out the Local Council Tax Support consultation in a printable version for residents to print, complete and return if required.

This document sets out information about the LCTS consultation in an easy-read format.

A list of all fees and charges relating to licensing functions and activities for period 2023 to 2024

Policy detailing how Council Licencing consider, process and determine all relevant Licensing application to fall within the Licensing Act 2003 Legislative requirements.

A timetable for the preparation of planning policy documents

First stage Equality Impact Assessment carried out regarding the proposed scheme for the Local Council Tax Support consultation. The proposed scheme would be implemented from 1 April 2025.

Licensing special treatments byelaws for print and display by registered practioners

Produced by OHID, Local Health allows the user to explore a large number of health-related indicators at a small geographic level. The user can then compare, map, and export the analysis for further use.

This report downloaded July 2024

Produced by OHID, Local Health allows the user to explore a large number of health-related indicators at a small geographic level. The user can then compare, map, and export the analysis for further use.

This report downloaded July 2024.

Lyndsay Goodyear – Bell-Cornwell - on behalf of Smallbrook Development Limited IPSR34 comment on the IPS

The Isle of Wight Council's Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Scheme 2025/26

Information for parents/carers on applying for their child September 2026 for Reception class in primary school

Local validation list for planning applications 2025