Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

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Call Centre
Carbon Emissions (Energy Management)
Carbon Management (Energy Management)
Carbon Management Plan (Energy Management)
care costs (Adult Social Care - Paying for Care)
Care Leavers (Isle of Wight Care Leavers)
Careers Advice (Island Futures)
Careers Service (Island Futures)
Carisbrooke Contact Centre (Contact and Assessment Unit)
CAST (Concerned about a child)
CDT (Disabled Childrens Team)
Cemeteries (Bereavement Services - Burial)
Census (JSNA - Overview)
Census 2021
Cess Pits (Septic Tanks Certificates (not emptying of))
Change of address (Change of Address and Circumstances)
Change of Address and Circumstances
Change of circumstances (Change of Address and Circumstances)
Chaperone Licences
charges (Adult Social Care - Paying for Care)
Charges (Financial Management)
Child Employment
Child Entertainment Performance
Child Performance Licences (Child Entertainment Performance)
Child Protection
Child to Adult (Adult Social Care - Preparation for Adulthood)
Childcare and Early Education Centre (Early Years Service - Information for Parents)
Childcare Sufficiency (Early Years Education and Childcare - Information for Childcare Providers)
Children and Family Services
Children and Libraries
Children and Young Adults Disability Team (Disabled Childrens Team)
Children in Care
Children with disabilities (Disabled Childrens Team)
Childrens CAF (Early Help Assessment (EHA))
Children's Centres (Support and Advice for Families)
Childrens Complaints
Childrens Duty & Assessment Team (Concerned about a child)
Children's library service (Children and Libraries)
Children's Referrals (Concerned about a child)
Children's Rights (IW Youth - Rights and Participation)
Childrens Service Centre (Children and Family Services)
Children's Service Finance (School Funding)
Children's Services (Children and Family Services)
Children's Social Care (Children and Family Services)
Children's Social Care Workforce Development (Learning and Development)
Children's Support (Support and Advice for Families)
Choices (Island Futures)
Citizenship Ceremonies
Civil Protection (Emergency Management)
Clatterford Tuition Centre (The Island Learning Centre)
Clean Air Act (Environmental Health - Air Quality)
Cliff Lift (Shanklin Lift)
Climate Change
Clinical Waste
Clubs (Sports Development Unit)
Coaching (Sports Development Unit)
cold weather (Severe weather)
Collection and Enforcement Service (Enforcement Service)
Commercial Land and Property
Commercial Services (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Commissioning Data and Performance (Children and Family Services)
Committee Reports (Council Meetings)
Committee Services (Council Meetings)
Common Assessment Framework (Early Help Assessment (EHA))
Common Land (Village Greens)
community equipment service (Adult Social Care - Remaining Independent)
Community Fire Safety (Fire and Rescue Service)
Community Learning Centre (Adult Community Learning Service)
Community Planning
Community Right to Challenge (Procurement)
Community Safety Services
Community Support (Community Safety Services)
Community Support Officers(CSO) (Community Safety Services)
Community Transport (Public Transport)
Complain about a school (Childrens Complaints)
Complaints (Councillors - Complaints Process)
Complaints (Schools)
Complaints (Childrens Complaints)
Concerned about a child
Concessionary Fares (Concessionary Travel Schemes)
Concessionary Travel Schemes
Connexions (Island Futures)
Consumer Advice (Trading Standards - Consumer Advice)
Contact & Assessment Unit (Contact and Assessment Unit)
Contact and Assessment Unit
Contact Centre (Call Centre)
Contact Centre - Carisbrooke (Contact and Assessment Unit)
Copy certificates marriages (Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships)
Core Subjects (School Curriculum)
Coroners Office
Corporate Estate Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance (Petitions)
Corporate Information Unit (Data Protection)
Corporate Plan 2017 to 2020 (Transparency - The Council)
Cosmetic Piercing (Skin Piercing / Tattooing / Acupuncture)
cost of care (Adult Social Care - Paying for Care)
Council Land Ownership (Commercial Land and Property)
Council Meetings
Council News (News)
Council Property for Sale/Rent (Commercial Land and Property)
Council Property for Sale/Rent (Lettings)
Council Tax
Council Tax - Change of Address (Council Tax)
Council Tax - Internal Enquiries (Council Tax)
Council Tax - Making Payment (Council Tax)
Council Tax - Valuation/Band Enquiries (Council Tax)
Council Tax Discounts (Council Tax Reductions)
Council Tax Exemptions (Council Tax Reductions)
Council Tax Reductions
Council Tips (Recycling Centres)
Councillors (Councillors - Complaints Process)
Councillors - Complaints Process
Country Park (Fort Victoria Country Park)
Countryside Walks (Countryside Walks and Events)
Countryside Walks and Events
County Record Office (Record Office)
Courses (Adult Community Learning Service)
Court of Protection (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Court Procedures (Youth Offending Team)
Cowes Maritime Museum
Cowes Waterfront
Creditor Payments
Cricket (Medina Outdoor Hard Play/ Pitches)
Crime and Disorder (Community Safety Services)
Crime Reduction Partnership (Community Safety Services)
CRT (Concerned about a child)
CSO's (Community Safety Services)
CSP (Domestic Abuse)
Custom Build (Self-Build Housing)
Custom House Building (Self-Build Housing)
Customer Accounts (How to pay the council)
CYADS (Disabled Childrens Team)
Cycling (Sports Development Unit)
Cycling (Road safety)
Cycling and Walking to School (Road safety)