Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

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Safeguarding Adults (Adult Social Care - Keeping Adults Safe)
Safer Neighbourhoods (Community Safety Services)
Safety Advisory Group (Licensing - Major Events)
Safety Inspection - Homes in Multiple Occupation
Sale of Goods Act (Trading Standards - Consumer Advice)
Sales (Advertising Sales)
Sandbags (Highways - Flooding or blocked drains and gullies)
Sandown Library
Sauna (Heights Health Suite)
School Admission Appeals (Education Appeals)
School Admissions
School Attendance (Attendance at School)
School complaints (Schools)
School complaints (Childrens Complaints)
School Complaints
School contacts (Schools)
School Crossing Patrols
School Curriculum
School Dinners (Free School Meals)
School Forum Meetings (School Funding)
School Funding
School Governors
School Meals (Free School Meals)
School Music Service
School Performance Tables (School Curriculum)
School records (Schools)
School Records
School Supervised Medication
School Transport
School Transport (School Transport)
School Transport Eligibility
School Travel (School Transport)
School Uniform (School Uniform Grants)
School Uniform Grants
Schools Forum (School Funding)
Schools Workforce Development (Learning and Development)
SCI (Background Documents)
Scrap Metal Dealer Registration
Seaclose Park
Searches (Land Charges) (Local Land Charges)
Second Homes (Council Tax)
Secondary Curriculum (School Curriculum)
Secondary School Transport (School Transport)
Section 251 Expenditure (School Funding)
Section 31 (Rights of Way) (Public Rights of Way)
Section 52 (Local Land Charges)
Self funding (Adult Social Care - Paying for Care)
Self-build (Self-Build Housing)
Self-Build Housing
Self-employed minimum income floor (Local Council Tax Support - Scheme)
Selling to the Council (Procurement)
SEN (Local Offer)
SEN Inclusion (Early Years SEN Advisory Team)
SEN IoW (Local Offer)
SEN Isle of Wight (Local Offer)
SEN IW (Local Offer)
SEN Services (Specialist SEN Services)
SEND (Local Offer)
SEND IW (Local Offer)
SEND Offer (Local Offer)
SEND Reforms (Special Education Needs (SEN))
SENDIST Appeals (Exclusions)
Sensory Impaired Service (Specialist SEN Services)
Sensory Support Team
Septic Tanks Certificates (not emptying of)
Severe weather
Shanklin Cliff Lift (Advertising Sales)
Shanklin Community Library
Shanklin Lift
Shared Lives (Adult Social Care - Shared Lives)
Shared Ownership
Shared Ownership (Shared Ownership)
Shelters (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
SHLAA (Background Documents)
Shoreline Management Plan (Coastal Management (including Coast Protection))
Short Breaks
Short Breaks (Disabled Childrens Team)
Short Breaks – Activities and Events
Short Breaks - Inclusion
Short Breaks - Young Inspectors Scheme
Short Breaks Facilities
Short Breaks Membership
Short Breaks Providers
Site Development (Regeneration)
Site Inspection (Building Control - Applications/Approvals & Inspections)
Skate Park (Seaclose Park)
Skin Piercing / Tattooing / Acupuncture
Small Sewage Treatment Plants (Septic Tanks Certificates (not emptying of))
Snow (Severe weather)
Snow Clearance
Social Care complaints (Childrens Complaints)
Social care research (Research Governance Framework)
Social media (Media Relations)
Social Media
Social Services Complaints (Adult Services Complaints)
Social Work Assessments (Concerned about a child)
SOEC (Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre)
Solent Ocean Energy Centre (Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre)
Solent Transport (Transport Policy)
South East England Aggregates Working Party (SEEAWP) (Minerals and Waste)
South East Waste Planning Advisory Group (SEWPAG) (Minerals and Waste)
SPD (Planning Policy)
SPD (Supplementary Planning Documents)
SPDs (Community Planning)
Special Education Needs (Local Offer)
Special Education Needs (SEN)
Special Needs (Special Education Needs (SEN))
Specialist Library Services
Specialist SEN Services
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD Support)
Speech and Language Therapy Service (Speech, Language and Communication Service (Speech and Language Therapy))
Speech, Language & Communication Service (Specialist SEN Services)
Speech, Language and Communication Service (Speech and Language Therapy)
SPG (Planning Policy)
SpLD (SpLD Support)
SpLD Support
SpLD Tutorial Centres (Specialist SEN Services)
Sports Courses (Sports Development Unit)
Sports Development Unit
Sports Grants (Sports Development Unit)
Sports Pitches (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Sports Unit (Sports Development Unit)
Stadium (Licence - Sports Ground)
STAF (Sustainable Travel on the Isle of Wight)
Stage Licences (Child Entertainment Performance)
Stamp Duty (Electoral Registration)
Statement of Community Involvement (Background Documents)
Statutory Register (Common Land) (Local Land Charges)
Stiles (Public Rights of Way)
Stillbirth - Registering (Registration of Deaths)
Stop smoking (Public Health)
Storing Poisons (Non-Medicinal Poisons Registration)
Strategic Asset Management
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (Background Documents)
Stray Dogs (Environment Officers)
Streams (Flood Risk and Watercourse Consents)
Street Furniture (Licensing - Street Trading & Charitable Collections)
Street Trading - Consents (Licensing - Street Trading & Charitable Collections)
Street Trading - Illegal (Licensing - Street Trading & Charitable Collections)
Strengthening Families (Support and Advice for Families)
Strengthening Families Programme (Support for Families)
Student file (School Records)
Subject Access Request (Data Protection)
Subjects (School Curriculum)
Subscriptions (News)
Subsidised Bus Services (Public Transport)
Sunday Trading
Sundry Debt
Supplementary Planning Documents
Supplementary Planning Documents (Planning Policy)
Supplementary Planning Documents (Community Planning)
Supplementary Planning Guidance (Planning Policy)
Suppliers (Procurement)
Supplies (Procurement) (Procurement)
Supplying the Council (Procurement)
Support and Advice for Families
Support for Families
Support for special educational needs (SEN) (Parent Partnership Service)
Supporting Families Programme (Support for Families)
Surface Water (Highways - Flooding or blocked drains and gullies)
Surveying (major repairs)
Sustainable Travel on the Isle of Wight