Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

Please click on a letter to see services.

Background Documents
Bad Weather (Severe weather)
Bailiff (Enforcement Service)
Beach Huts (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - Beaches)
Beaches (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - Beaches)
Beaulieu House (Beaulieu House Residential and Respite Resource)
Beaulieu House Residential and Respite Resource
Becoming a Mentor (Isle of Wight Mentor Scheme)
Bembridge Community Library
Benches (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Bequests (Museum Service)
Bereavement Services - Burial
Bin Strike (Waste News and Developments)
Bins - Bin Day (Household Waste and Recycling)
Blue Badges
Boat Licensing (Licence - Pleasure Boats)
Boat Parks (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Body Piercing (Skin Piercing / Tattooing / Acupuncture)
Bonfires (Environmental Health - Air Quality)
Books and Reading
Bought Ledger (Creditor Payments)
Bowling Green (Seaclose Park)
Bridleways (Public Rights of Way)
Brighstone Community Library
Brownfield Land Register
Budget (Financial Management)
Building Control - Applications/Approvals & Inspections
Building Control - Building Regulations (Technical)
Building Control - Dangerous Structures & Demolition
Building Regulations (Building Control - Building Regulations (Technical))
Building Regulations Application (Building Control - Applications/Approvals & Inspections)
Building Works Affecting the Highway
Burial/Grave Details (Bereavement Services - Burial)
Bus Pass (Concessionary Travel Schemes)
Bus Shelters (Advertising Sales)
Business and Commercial Waste and Recycling Services
Business Rates Reductions
Buying a Grave (Bereavement Services - Burial)
Buying Goods and Services (Trading Standards - Consumer Advice)
Byways (Public Rights of Way)