Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

Please click on a letter to see services.

Raffle (Licensing - Gambling)
Ragwort (On Council Land) (Commercial Land and Property)
Rangers (Countryside)
RAP (IW Youth - Rights and Participation)
Rats (Pest Control)
Reading Groups (Getting Involved)
Reading Links (Books and Reading)
Record Office
Records & Archives (Record Office)
Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - Beaches
Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information
Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - Parks
Recycling Centres
Recycling News (Waste News and Developments)
Red Button (Wightcare)
Referendums - General Information (Elections Management)
Referral and Assessment (Concerned about a child)
Referral Orders (Youth Offending Team)
Register - Declaration of Interest (Councillors)
Register of Electors (Electoral Registration)
Registering a Building for Religious Worship and Marriage
Registrars Service (Registration Service)
Registration of Births
Registration of Deaths
Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships
Registration Service
Renewable Energy
Renovation Grants (Housing Renewal)
Renting to the Council (Landlord information)
Reparation Orders (Youth Offending Team)
Replacement Bus Passes (Concessionary Travel Schemes)
report dead animals (Hazardous Waste and Emergencies)
Research Governance Framework
Residential Care -Contributions Due (Sundry Debt)
residential charge points (Electric vehicle charge points)
residential chargepoints (Electric vehicle charge points)
Resilience (Emergency Management)
Respite (Adelaide and Gouldings)
Respite (Westminster House)
Retail (Trading Standards - Business Advice)
Riding Establishment Licence
Rights of Way (Public Rights of Way)
Risk Management (Organisational Intelligence)
Road Crossing Patrol (School Crossing Patrols)
Road Patrol (School Crossing Patrols)
Road safety
Rock Festival (Isle of Wight Festival)
ROW (Public Rights of Way)
Rubbish (Household Waste and Recycling)
Ryde Area Action Plan (Development Plan Documents)
Ryde Help Centre (Help Centres)
Ryde Library