Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

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Major Accident Hazards (Emergency Management)
Major Emergency Incident (Emergency Management)
Maritime Book Collection (Cowes Library)
Maritime Collection (Cowes Library)
Maritime Museum (Cowes Maritime Museum)
Marketing and Public Affairs (Media Relations)
Marketing Plans (Advertising Sales)
Marriage (Registration Service)
Marriage Certificates (Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships)
Marriages (Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships)
Marriages historical searches (Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships)
MASH (Concerned about a child)
Media and Publicity Protocols (Media Relations)
Media Office (Media Relations)
Media Relations
Media team (Media Relations)
Medina (Leisure Services (authority managed facilities))
Medina Estuary (Estuaries)
Medina Outdoor Hard Play/ Pitches
Medina Theatre
Medina Valley Area Action Plan (Development Plan Documents)
Meetings (Council Meetings)
Meetings of the Council (Council Meetings)
Member of Parliament (Elections Management)
Member of Youth Parliment (Youth Council)
Memorial (Bereavement Services - Cremation)
Memorial Trees (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Mental Capacity Act (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Mental Health Act (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Mentoring (Isle of Wight Mentor Scheme)
mer connect (Electric vehicle charge points)
Mice (Pest Control)
Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSAs) (Minerals and Waste)
Minerals and Waste
Minor Repairs Grant (Housing Renewal)
Minutes of Council Meetings (Council Meetings)
Mobile Library Service
Modification Orders (Rights of Way) (Public Rights of Way)
Monitoring Officer (Corporate Governance)
Monitoring Reports (Core Strategy)
Motor Salvage Operator
MP (Elections Management)
MPS (Adult Social Care - Market Position Statement)
Multiple Occupancy (Homes in Multiple Occupancy - Register)
Municipal Funerals (Bereavement Services - Cremation)
Municipal Funerals (Bereavement Services - Burial)
Museum (Newport Roman Villa)
Museum Education Service (Heritage Education Service (HES))
Museum of Island History
Museum of Isle of Wight Geology (Dinosaur Isle)
Museum Service
Music Centre (School Music Service)
Music Festival (Isle of Wight Festival)
Music Library (Ventnor Library)