Isle of Wight Council

Document Library A to Z

Documents beginning with the letter 'D'

Form to be completed by the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) giving their consent to be specified as DPS respect of a Premises Licence

The Isle of Wight Council has the powers to grant discretionary rate relief to any premises that meet specific criteria in accordance with legislation.  This policy provides details of the discretionary reliefs available and the EU requirements including provisions for State Aid and the details for the day to day management of discretionary reliefs.

Direct Debit mandate/instruction to complete for payment of Council Tax and or Business Rates

The purpose of this policy is to explain the way in which the Isle of Wight Council (IWC) commissions its services by using a Dynamic Purchasing System. The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is based on a web-based system called which is hosted and managed by a third party provider called adam. enables the IWC to commission home support, day and evening opportunities, domestic care to supported living and learning disability care home services on an individual basis.


For the purpose of this policy, a Supplier is the term used to refer to a provider who enters into an agreement to provide services on behalf of the IWC.  

This policy explains how the council complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with respect to the personal data that it manages.

The delegated decision report confirming decision to go to consultation on West Wight school place planning.

The timetable for the preparation and revision of the development plan documents.

The Domestic Abuse forum sets out the action plan annually

Declaration that customers of Housing Benefit/Local Council Tax Support agree to when submitting an online form.

The Island Planning Strategy (IPS) is used to guide development on the island over the next 15 years. The plan is developed by ourselves in consultation with the local community. It will deal with future needs and opportunities in relation to:

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of its emerging Island Planning Strategy

Declaration that the customer has to agree to when applying for an Exceptional Hardship Fund or Council Tax Discretionary Reduction.

The Digital Strategy 2022-2027 sets out the council's approach to embracing digital services, it is about supporting the change in the way people live, connect and work. This strategy exists to support the whole council’s ambitions by re-imagining how we design, deliver, and operate our services.

The strategy is about how to create the right conditions for digital technologies to bring about continuous improvements in how we deliver our services supported by our four priority areas of:

Digital Island - seeks to underpin the delivery of the Isle of Wight Digital Island strategy
Digital citizen - supports people in acquiring the skills and knowledge they need to use the internet and other digital technologies efficiently and with confidence
Digital Council - enable the council to improve its service design and delivery; to better meet the needs of our residents and improve productivity
Digital intelligence - sets out our aspirations for how best to utilise digital technologies in the interest
of a providing better public services.

The external audit of the draft statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 is yet to be completed by our external auditors 

The Isle of Wight Council has the powers to grant discretionary rate relief to any premises that meet specific criteria in accordance with legislation.  This policy provides details of the discretionary reliefs available and the EU requirements including provisions for State Aid and the details for the day to day management of discretionary reliefs.

Fees under the 2008 Regulations for Personal Searches

Definitive Map changes since 2000 split into parish - updated Cowes July 2023

List of development days for the 2023/24 academic year

A downloadable PDF to use when applying for vacancies outside of the standard application form. 

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation 'Notice of Intention' for Carisbrooke (part of District 2 review)

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation 'Notice of Intention' for Newport (part of District 2 review)

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation 'Notice of Intention' as part of District 2 review

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation 'Notice of Intention' as part of District 2 review (Residents Parking Notice)

Notice of Intention for Alverstone, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Arreton, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Lake, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Lake Loading Bay, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation


Notice of Intention for Newchurch, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Sandown, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Shanklin, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Shanklin School Keep Clear, as part of the District 4 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

This document contains summary of all valid representations related to the respective public consultation, along with highway authority's responses.

District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation - Brighstone Notice of Intention

District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation Feb 2024 - Notice of Intention

District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation Rookley Notice of Intention

Notice of Intention for Shalfleet, as part of the District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Totland, as part of the District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for XX, as part of the District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Notice of Intention for Yarmouth (Residents Parking), as part of the District 6 Traffic Regulation Order Consultation

Isle of Wight dementia strategy 2022 to 2025. Document produced by partner organisations

Daniel Austen-Fainman- Tetlow King Planning- on behalf of Sovereign Network Group (SNG) IPSR100 comments on IPS

Damien Lynch -planning Issues on behalf of Churchill Living (CL) IPSR38 comments on IPS

The Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme may provide support where there us a shortfall between the rental liability and the payment of Housing Benefit or the Housing element of Universal Credit, provided that the claimant is entitled to at least the relevant benefit and an application for further financial help is made and accepted.

List of Operators who have a Doggy Day Care Licence