Isle of Wight Council

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Documents beginning with the letter 'J'

The aim of the delegated decision report is to set out the issues associated with joining with our neighbouring authorities (Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils) and the Solent Local Economic Partnership (SLEP) as a member of the Solent Local Transport Body (SLTB) – the sole aim of which is to draw down, prioritise and allocate government money to fund major (£2m+) transport schemes in the SLEP area.


The expected outcome will be that the Isle of Wight Council joins the SLTB and will then be able to attract additional funds to spend on large transport schemes on the Island.


The job summary is used with our Generic Role Profiles to describe the specific tasks and duties of a job.  It also contains the qualifications, skills and experience expected for a job at that pay grade.  Please refer to the short guidance notes to help preparing a job summary.

Application for a council tax reduction on a property which is provided to a person by reason of their employment  

This JSNA Chapter considers inclusion health groups across the Isle of Wight and where possible aims to quantify these communities in our population, where they live, their demographics and describe the potential health outcomes and challenges they may face.

This JSNA Chapter considers inclusion health groups across Hampshire and Isle of Wight and where possible aims to quantify these communities in our population, where they live, their demographics and describe the potential health outcomes and challenges they may face.

This Business Vulnerability Index aims to assess the variations in how vulnerable businesses are to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions across the Isle of Wight.

This Business Vulnerability Index aims to assess the variations in how vulnerable businesses are to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions across the Isle of Wight.

The sections of this report summarise the impact of COVID-19 on the Isle of Wight’s population and is structured into three sections based on the ONS Health Index domains:
- Healthy people: Looks at the impact of the pandemic on different groups, such as age, gender and ethnicity
- Healthy lives: Considers how different lifestyle behaviours related to health have been impacted by the pandemic
- Healthy places: Investigates how COVID-19 has impacted populations differently depending on the area they live

The following sections of the report summarise the impact of COVID-19 on the Isle of Wight’s population and is structured into three sections based on the ONS Health Index domains:
- Healthy people: Looks at the impact of the pandemic on different groups, such as age, gender and ethnicity
- Healthy lives: Considers how different lifestyle behaviours related to health have been impacted by the pandemic
- Healthy places: Investigates how COVID-19 has impacted populations differently depending on the area they live

The following sections of the report summarise the impact of COVID-19 on the Isle of Wight’s population and is structured into three sections based on the ONS Health Index domains:
- Healthy people: Looks at the impact of the pandemic on different groups, such as age, gender and ethnicity
- Healthy lives: Considers how different lifestyle behaviours related to health have been impacted by the pandemic
- Healthy places: Investigates how COVID-19 has impacted populations differently depending on the area they live

This Mental Health and Wellbeing Vulnerability Index has been created to identify populations on the Isle of Wight who are more likely to have vulnerable mental health because of the restrictions put in place during the first wave of COVID-19.

This Mental Health and Wellbeing Vulnerability Index has been created to identify populations on the Isle of Wight who are more likely to have vulnerable mental health because of the restrictions put in place during the first wave of COVID-19.

This chapter focuses on the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health, the health inequalities which are evident and the potential impact COVID-19 has had.

This report presents a summary of the key national and local data and evidence supporting the first 1,001 days.

This chapter focuses on the health outcomes of our population, the health inequalities which are evident and the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This chapter provides summary of certain long-term conditions. It aims to understand and quantify how many people in Isle of Wight are affected by the condition and what the outcomes of this condition may be, exploring data such as hospital admission and premature mortality where available.

This factsheet highlights key information on births, low birth weight, fertility rates and infant mortality.

This factsheet offers an insight into relating to levels of breastfeeding on the Island and rates of smoking in pregnancy.

This factsheet contains comprehensive information relating to the health and wellbeing of children on the Isle of Wight.

Child Poverty is a complex measure - in its broadest sense it defines a range of disadvantage that results in and leads to poverty. This report provides an update.

This survey analysis aims to provide information from young people about their thoughts and behaviours helping to inform service delivery and to better understand the challenges and positive elements of young people’s lives today. As well as revealing any changes in the thoughts and behaviour of respondents and what interventions these changes can be attributed to; thus enabling changes or additions to services that affect children.

Immunisation programmes are one of the biggest public health success stories. National immunisation programmes, however, implement different strategies to protect the public from the harm of infectious disease.

This factsheet highlights the 2017/18 results for Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, GCSEs and A-Levels. There is also information about average class size, school absence rates, 16 to 17 year old NEET statistics (Not in education, employment or training) and qualifications of those aged 16-64.

This factsheet highlights the 2016/17 results for Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, GCSEs and A-Levels. There is also information about average class size, school absence rates, 16 to 17 year old NEET statistics (Not in education, employment or training) and qualifications of those aged 16-64.

This report looks at the local findings from the NCMP programme which measures levels of primary school children in Reception and Year 6 who are underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese.

This report looks at the local findings from the NCMP programme which measures levels of primary school children in Reception and Year 6 who are underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese.

This factsheet covers the emerging issue of antimicrobial resistance.

This factsheet covers the four most common forms of cancer; breast, lung, colorectal and prostate.

This factsheet looks at the key information about learning disability need on the Isle of Wight.

This factsheet highlights key information about suicide and self harm.

This factsheet highlights key information about mental health, dementia and depression.

This briefing paper looks in detail into the risk factors, prevention and cost of oral health, both in children and adults.

This factsheet looks at issues related to drug and alcohol misuse including impact on health, hospital admissions, crime and treatment.

This factsheet highlights key information about adult and childhood excess weight (including obesity), healthy eating, maternal obesity and related issues such as diabetes and physical activity.

This factsheet covers physical activity and its importance for health and wellbeing

This factsheet covers smoking prevalence on the Isle of Wight.

This factsheet covers all aspects of sexual health including chlamydia and HIV/AIDS.

Brief update to fuel poverty figures following release of updated data

This Report provides an update on child poverty figures across the Island.

The Isle of Wight Economic Profile was produced in conjunction with Hampshire County Council’s Economic & Business Intelligence team (EBIS). It highlights the Island’s economic performance over the last 10 years and compares it to neighbouring areas such as Southampton, Portsmouth and Hampshire. The profile covers matters such as the labour market, skills and occupations, Business occupations, key economic sectors

This factsheet highlights key information and statistics relating to housing and accommodation on the Isle of Wight, including house prices and sales volumes, housing affordability, homelessness, deprivation, fuel poverty and housing adaptation.

For a lot of services, the Isle of Wight has been split into three localities - North East Wight, South Wight and West & Central Wight.

This is the data profile for North East Wight.

For a lot of services, the Isle of Wight has been split into three localities - North East Wight, South Wight and West & Central Wight.

This is the data profile for South Wight.

For a lot of services, the Isle of Wight has been split into three localities - North East Wight, South Wight and West & Central Wight.

This is the data profile for West & Central Wight.

This factsheet covers aspects relating to circulatory disease, chronic heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

Dementia is a syndrome characterised by progressive deterioration in cognitive functions, which include memory, concentration, planning, decision-making, orientation and language functioning amongst others.

This factsheet highlights disabilities on the Island including visual impairment, hearing impairment and learning disabilities.

This factsheet covers life expectancy, mortality and causes of deaths and care at the end of life.

This factsheet highlights issues including Cardiovascular Disease, falls, fractures, Delayed Transfers of Care and older carers.

The Healthy Places chapter of the JSNA focuses on place, areas assets and the social and commercial drivers and health.

SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus; much remains to be understood about transmission, dynamics and effects of our population. Local knowledge and intelligence is key when interpreting localised transmission, to identify common factors early enough and prevent further spread of COVID-19.

Details of the role, responsibilities and person specification for the role of Strategic Director Of Childrens Services 

This is the Job Summary to go with the position of Service Director for Highways and Community Protection. 

The Job Summary document for the recruitment of the new service Director for Education and Inclusion - October 2023

The full job description and person specification for the role of Service Director for Children and Families

Headteacher Wroxall Primary school Job Summary and Person Specification

Job Description and Person Specification for the role of Headteacher at the Island Learning Centre 

Our behaviours, personal circumstances and illnesses hugely affect our life expectancy and health. Influences on our health are particularly important before birth and during early childhood. These influences and risk factors continue to accumulate, and their effects build as we move into adulthood. Preventing exposure to these risk factors and reducing inequalities in how these risk factors are distributed among our population, can have a positive impact on our health.

This chapter focuses on:
- the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health
- the health inequalities which are evident and
- the potential impact COVID-19 has had.


Our behaviours, personal circumstances and illnesses hugely affect our life expectancy and health. Influences on our health are particularly important before birth and during early childhood. These influences and risk factors continue to accumulate, and their effects build as we move into adulthood. Preventing exposure to these risk factors and reducing inequalities in how these risk factors are distributed among our population, can have a positive impact on our health.

This chapter focuses on:

- the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health
- the health inequalities which are evident and
- the potential impact COVID-19 has had.

Our behaviours, personal circumstances and illnesses hugely affect our life expectancy and health. Influences on our health are particularly important before birth and during early childhood. These influences and risk factors continue to accumulate, and their effects build as we move into adulthood. Preventing exposure to these risk factors and reducing inequalities in how these risk factors are distributed among our population, can have a positive impact on our health.

This chapter focuses on:

- the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health
- the health inequalities which are evident and
- the potential impact COVID-19 has had.

Our behaviours, personal circumstances and illnesses hugely affect our life expectancy and health. Influences on our health are particularly important before birth and during early childhood. These influences and risk factors continue to accumulate, and their effects build as we move into adulthood. Preventing exposure to these risk factors and reducing inequalities in how these risk factors are distributed among our population, can have a positive impact on our health.

This chapter focuses on:

- the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health
- the health inequalities which are evident and
- the potential impact COVID-19 has had.

Our behaviours, personal circumstances and illnesses hugely affect our life expectancy and health. Influences on our health are particularly important before birth and during early childhood. These influences and risk factors continue to accumulate, and their effects build as we move into adulthood. Preventing exposure to these risk factors and reducing inequalities in how these risk factors are distributed among our population, can have a positive impact on our health.

This chapter focuses on:

- the risk factors, causes and protective factors which influence our health
- the health inequalities which are evident and
- the potential impact COVID-19 has had.