Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

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AAP (Development Plan Documents)
Abandoned Vehicles
Absences (Attendance at School)
Access Agreements (Access Licence)
Access Fund for Sustainable Travel (Sustainable Travel on the Isle of Wight)
Access Licence
Accident Prevention (School Crossing Patrols)
Accommodation Certificates (Fitness for Human Habitation)
Accounts (Financial Management)
Accounts Payable (Creditor Payments)
Accounts Receivable (Sundry Debt)
Adaptions to Homes Disabled People (Home Adaptations - Disabled People)
Address changes (Change of Address and Circumstances)
Adelaide and Gouldings
Admission Appeals (Education Appeals)
Adoption Support
Adult abuse (Adult Social Care - Keeping Adults Safe)
Adult Community Learning Service
Adult Complaints (Adult Services Complaints)
Adult Education (Adult Community Learning Service)
Adult Learning (Adult Community Learning Service)
Adult Services Comments (Adult Services Complaints)
Adult Services Complaints
Adult Services Compliments (Adult Services Complaints)
Adult Social Care - Advocacy
Adult Social Care - Career Opportunities
Adult Social Care - Information and Advice
Adult Social Care - Keeping Adults Safe
Adult Social Care - Learning Disability
Adult Social Care - Market Position Statement
Adult Social Care - Paying for Care
Adult Social Care - Personal Assistants
Adult Social Care - Preparation for Adulthood
Adult Social Care - Remaining Independent
Adult Social Care - Shared Lives
Adult Social Care Workforce Development (Learning and Development)
Adult weight management (Public Health)
Adults at Risk (Adult Social Care - Keeping Adults Safe)
Adults Safeguarding (Adult Social Care - Keeping Adults Safe)
adverse weather (Severe weather)
Advertising Sales
Advice for young People (Island Futures)
Advice to Business (Trading Standards - Business Advice)
Advisory (Early Years SEN Advisory Team)
Advocacy (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Advocates (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing (Shared Ownership)
Agendas of Meetings (Council Meetings)
alfen charge points (Electric vehicle charge points)
alfen chargepoints (Electric vehicle charge points)
Allotments (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Amenity Land (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Amey Bin Strike (Waste News and Developments)
Amusements with Prizes (Licensing - Gambling)
Animal Health and Welfare (Trading Standards - Agriculture and Animals)
Annual Progress Report - Transport (APR) (Transport Policy)
Annual Report (Transparency - The Council)
Anti-Social Behaviour (Community Safety Services)
Appeals (Education) (Education Appeals)
Appeals (Planning) (Planning Appeals)
Apprentice (Apprenticeships)
Approved Documents (Building Control - Building Regulations (Technical))
Approved Suppliers (Procurement)
Arboretum (Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces - General Information)
Archaeology (Newport Roman Villa)
Archaeology & Historic Environment Service (Archaeology)
Archives (Record Office)
Area Action Plans (Development Plan Documents)
ASB (Community Safety Services)
Asset Management (Regeneration)
Assistive Technology (Wightcare)
Attendance at School
Audiobooks (Library Enjoy)
Audit (Financial Management)
Audit (Organisational Intelligence)