Frequently Asked Questions for this Service
Question: Does the Isle of Wight Council provide an Estates Management Service?
Answer: The Isle of Wight Council provides an Estates Management Service for Council Owned premises only.
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Question: How do I rent an Allotment site?
Answer: Please direct all enquires to Parks and Beaches Section on 823368.
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Question: What are Compulsory Acquisition Orders?
Answer: There may be occasions when The Isle of Wight Council has to acquire land or buildings under Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) powers to fulfil its statutory functions as a Council. In most cases CPO's relate to Highway schemes such as road widening projects. The Isle of Wight Council will only use a CPO as a last resort as we normally try to acquire land or buildings by agreement with the owner.
If you believe that this may affect you, please contact the Strategic asset Management Team on 823266 for advice and information.
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