Question: Can I view the Proposals Map that accompanies the Island Plan Core Strategy online?
Answer: Yes. They can be found on the Core Strategy webpage
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: Will the council be preparing new supplementary planning documents?
Answer: Yes. Further information can be found by clicking the Related Link below. -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: Can I use Unitary Development Plan policies?
Answer: No. the Unitary Development Plan has been replaced by the Island Plan Core Strategy. The UDP is no longer used in determining planning applications. -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: What are Neighbourhood Plans?
Answer: Neighbourhood planning is the government's initiative of empowering local communities to help make and take forward planning proposals at a local level. The intention is that local people will be the driver to help shape how their local communities grow and develop over the coming years.
Neighbourhood Plans are produced by either town or parish councils or neighbourhood forums, not the Isle of Wight Council.
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: Where can I find a timetable for production of Island Plan documents?
Answer: A timetable was produced as part of the Local Development Scheme in October 2012 and is up-to-date. It includes details of the three Area Action Plans (Medina Valley, Ryde and The Bay) and the Delivery and Management Delivery Plan Document, which covers all other areas. However, the timetable doesn't list Supplementary Planning Documents as there is no requirement for them to be included but information will be put on when we are closer to consulting on each of them.
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: What is happening to national planning policy?
Answer: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has replaced the previous planning policy statements and planning policy guidance. Therefore all applications will need to consider the policies of the Island Plan Core Strategy and the NPPF (Related link below): -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: What policies should I look at if I am thinking of submitting a planning application?
Answer: You should use the relevant policies of the Island Plan Core Strategy (Related Link below) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF):
For applications that may impact on flood risk or relate to minerals you will also need to refer to the Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework: -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: A local search has shown that the property I'd like to buy is in a regeneration area. How does this affect the property?
Answer: Regeneration Areas are wide areas within which regeneration is encouraged, as it would result in development in the most sustainable locations, generally within and immediately adjacent the settlement boundaries of towns and villages. If the property is in a built up area, these Regeneration Areas will have little or no impact. -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: What is CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy)?
Answer: The community infrastructure levy is a new levy that local authorities in England and Wales can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The levy is designed to be fairer, faster and more transparent than the previous system of agreeing planning obligations between local councils and developers under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
In areas where a community infrastructure levy is in force, land owners and developers must pay the levy to the local council and it is based on the size and type of the new development.
The money raised from the community infrastructure levy can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want, like new or safer road schemes, park improvements or a new health centre.
The Isle of Wight Council has no plans to adopt CIL at the present time. -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Question: Can I purchase a copy of the Island Plan Core Strategy?
Answer: Yes. The Island Plan Core Strategy and the Proposals Map are available to view online, but you can also purchase paper copies. The cost for a copy of the Core Strategy is £31.92 (including VAT) for a black and white copy and £159.60 (including VAT) for a colour copy. A complete set of the Proposals Map, comprising 17 colour maps, will cost £109.20 (including VAT). Postage and packing is £4 for the Core Strategy or Proposals Map and £6 for both documents. If you would like to purchase these documents, please send a cheque for the correct fee, made payable to the “Isle of Wight Council” to Planning Policy, Isle of Wight Council, Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QS -
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