Answer: The Area Health Authority has a responsibility to report any cases of specified infectious diseases to the Council. These specified illnesses include conditions as diverse as actual/suspected food poisoning, Typhoid and Paratyphoid fevers, TB, Meningitis, Anthrax and Rabies. Responsibility for investigation is shared between Public Health England, Environmental Health staff and Infection Control Nurses, based at St Mary’s Hospital.
In general terms the council deals mainly with food poisoning type illnesses. You can contact the Environmental Health department by following the link below.
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Answer: There are many forms of illness which have symptoms commonly associated with food poisoning. If the type of illness has not been identified the officers may ask the person suffering to consult their G.P. to arrange a test.
Environmental Health officers will ask questions regarding what you have eaten over the last 3 days, to try and determine the source of your illness. Where an individual is suffering from confirmed food poisoning it can be difficult to identify the exact source of the problem as it can be as much as 10 days from eating suspect food before symptoms are experienced.
Officers will investigate any possible common links to food, water or other sources and will take action to reduce the risk to other persons.
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