Answer: Licences are required for some sales and further advice can be obtained from the Trading Standards Service on 01983 823396. If you leave your details, a Trading Standards Officer will contact you to discuss your query.
Selling fireworks is quite a complex subject due to the recent change in legislation, therefore we will be happy to assist should you either wish to contact us by phone or visit us at Jubilee Stores on the Quay at Newport.
All premises where fireworks are kept have to be registered. On-line application forms for registration are now available via the related link.
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Answer: Explosives must not be stored unless the premises are registered with the local authority. Premises can only be registered on the application of the occupier. Where different premises adjoin each other and are occupied together they are deemed to be one set of premises and cannot be seperately registered.
For more information contact Trading Standards on 01983 823396
Application forms to apply for registration are now available online via the related link -
Related LinkHas this FAQ answered your query? Answer: Retailers must register with or obtain a licence from their local authority before storing fireworks. The local authority is responsible for processing applications, inspections of premises where appropriate and issuing of a licence or permit to store fireworks.
You can now apply for registration online via the related link -
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