Isle of Wight Council

Dangerous Wild Animals Licence

Frequently Asked Questions for this Service

Question: I am thinking of getting an exotic pet/animal – do I need a licence?

Answer: Under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976, any person keeping certain animals (including types of rodents, spiders, reptiles and primates) requires a licence. A licence must be obtained BEFORE keeping a dangerous wild animal. More information, including a list of species classified as Dangerous Wild Animals, can be found via the related link. - Related Link

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Question: Are there any conditions attached to a Dangerous Wild Animal licence?

Answer: Yes – conditions form part of the licence. You must comply with a set of conditions that relate, for example, to the accommodation and security of the animal. The conditions will depend on the type of dangerous wild animal that you are keeping. A copy of the conditions applicable on the Isle of Wight is available from the Licensing Section on 01983 823159. The conditions are also available online as part of the application form, via the related link. - Related Link

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Question: Where can I get an application form for a Dangerous Wild Animal licence?

Answer: You can apply online via the related link, or can obtain an application form from the Licensing Section on 01983 823159. - Related Link

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Question: Are there any conditions attached to a Dangerous Wild Animal licence?

Answer: Yes – conditions form part of the licence. You must comply with a set of conditions that relate, for example, to the accommodation and security of the animal. The conditions will depend on the type of dangerous wild animal that you are keeping. If you wish to view the conditions applicable on the Isle of Wight please see licence conditions or contact the Licensing Section on 01983 823159.

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Question: If a Dangerous Wild Animal licence is granted, for how long is it valid, and is there a charge?

Answer: A licence for a Dangerous Wild Animal is valid for a year from the date it is granted. For 2006-2007, the charge is £145.00 for commercial premises and £51.00 for domestic premises, plus any fees charged by the veterinary inspector for inspect the premises and animal(s). This inspection is compulsory.

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Question: If a Dangerous Wild Animal licence is granted, for how long is it valid, and is there a charge?

Answer: A licence for a Dangerous Wild Animal is valid for a year from the date it is granted. For 2006-2007, the charge is £145.00 for commercial premises and £51.00 for domestic premises, plus any fees charged by the veterinary inspector for inspect the premises and animal(s). This inspection is compulsory.

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