Isle of Wight Council

Bereavement Services - Cremation

Frequently Asked Questions for this Service

Question: Can I have cremated remains interred at the Crematorium?

Answer: We have a dedicated area for the interment of cremated remains called Birch Meadow. This a quiet glade accessed directly from the car park.

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Question: Can I take cremated remains abroad for scattering?

Answer: You can take the cremated remains abroad, but you MUST have an international certificate from the crematorium from where the cremation occurred. Also please research into the rules and regulations of the country’s destination and inform the airline if applicable.

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Question: Do I need permission to scatter cremated remains elsewhere?

Answer: Upon an Isle of Wight Council owned grave:
Please contact Bereavement Services for permission and to further discuss. A scattering appointment must be made and please note a current grave owner must be in situ for them to give their permission too.
Cremated Remains can also be buried in a grave and the above also applies.

Private land
Sometimes people may have a favourite place and want their ashes to scattered on private land. Please be aware you must get the landowner’s permission first in order not to comply with any legal framework.

In your own garden
You must inform the Land Registry office

Upon water
Cremated Remains can be strewn at sea, or into a river or stream. However, please be very aware of the legalities and under no circumstances must the scattering cause any harm or distress to wildlife, members of the public or the environment.
Cremated remains must not be strewn within 1km of any drinking water supply; nor close to bathers and anglers; nor within marina waters and not over the bridge of a river.
For further information please contact The Environment Agency.

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Question: What is the Children's Funeral Fund?

Answer: The Children’s Funeral Fund can help to pay for some of the costs of a funeral for a child under 18 or a baby after the 24th week of pregnancy.
It is not means-tested: what you earn or how much you have in savings will not affect what you get.
The burial or cremation must take place in England.

The Children’s Funeral Fund can help pay for:
burial fees
cremation fees
coffin, shroud or casket

The Children's Funeral Fund will not accept applications for babies who have died at 23 weeks gestation or less.

Speak to your Funeral Director about applying for financial help from the Children's Funeral Fund.
- Related Link

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Question: What is a baby loss certificate?

Answer: If your pregnancy ends before 24 weeks, you can get a free certificate in memory of your baby. You do not need to request a certificate if you prefer not to. It’s optional.

The certificate is not a legal document - for example you cannot use it to claim benefits. The certificate will not be added to your GP record.

This is supplied by the UK Government. For more information or for help applying for a certificate you can contact the baby loss certificate service:
Telephone: 0300 330 9445
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

If your pregnancy ends from 24 weeks onwards, you need to register a stillbirth with your local Register Office instead. There is more information about how you can do this here:

- Related Link

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Question: Do we need to make an appointment to scatter ashes at the Crematorium?

Answer: Yes. In the first instance please telephone or email Bereavement Services (882288 Monday to Friday between 9am-4.30pm or to arrange a date and time. We can accommodate Saturday scatterings from 10.30am - 1.15pm and Monday through to Friday from 9:30am to 3pm. Fridays are our most popular day for scattering appointments so please book as far ahead in advance as you can to avoid disappointment.

There are two allocated areas at the Crematorium where cremated remains can be scattered - the lawned gardens with specimen trees and some areas of the Woodland Walk.

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Question: Can cremated remains that have come from another crematorium be scattered at the Isle of Wight Crematorium?

Answer: Yes and we refer to this as 'Scattering from Away'. A loved one may have been cremated on the mainland or abroad but they are still very welcome to be laid to rest in our gardens.

You must still make an appointment with us beforehand for the scattering to take place. There is a fee to arrange a Scatter from Away, please refer to our current price list detailed on our website.

It is imperative that we receive the cremation certificate from the original crematorium, because without this document it would be illegal to allow the scattering to proceed. If you do not have a Certificate please contact the Crematorium where the cremation took place, to re-issue another one.

Please contact the us for more information and costs:

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Question: Can I scatter ashes at the Crematorium where other relatives were also scattered? But I don't know the location they were scattered in?

Answer: Yes. We will require the full names of your previous relatives already scattered at the crematorium, along with their date or year of death. We can use this information to check our records.

If you prefer to look this up yourself you can do so by searching our genealogy website at which has details of every cremation that has taken place at the Isle of Wight Crematorium. - Related Link

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Question: Can I bring flowers to the Crematorium?

Answer: Yes, fresh cut flowers are welcome. Please remove all wrappings and cellophane and place in the litter bins in the Gardens to help us protect our wildlife.

Please do not bring potted flowers or plants, these will be removed from the Gardens. You can however place flowers or plants like these in our Book of Remembrance Room.

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Question: What should I NOT leave in the Crematorium Gardens in memory of my loved one?

Answer: Please note we do NOT allow glass, ceramic vases, ornaments, items attached to trees except authorised bird boxes; plastic and metal edging and fencing; pictures or soft toys.

Only authorised memorials are permitted.

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Question: What happens at a scattering of ashes appointment?

Answer: You should come to the Crematorium Office at the time of your appointment. If you are bringing your loved ones ashes with you, make sure you bring them into the office along with the cremation certificate. A member of the team with transfer your loved ones ashes into the scattering urn. They will then meet you in the Gardens of Remembrance, or walk to the location in the Gardens with you.

If you decide you'd like to perform the scattering yourself, our staff will show you how to use the scattering urn, which is very simple to use. If you prefer not to scatter the ashes our staff are always honoured to be able to lay your loved ones to rest on your behalf.

You can have the scattering as a private family moment if you prefer, just make our staff aware that you will not require them to help with the scattering. Once we know where the scattering will take place, we will leave you to your privacy, but we are always available back in the office should you need us. Equally, we will be pleased to remain with you for the duration of the scattering, please just let us know. When the scattering is completed, we will return to the office to allow you some time to yourselves.

An attendee or member of staff can say a poem, prayer of committal or simply private thoughts at the time. Also you are welcome to arrange for a minister or celebrant to conduct a short service prior to the scattering too.

We record all scatterings in our cremation registers along with the date and location and any other loved ones who were also scattered in the same area. This way there is a record of where they are laid to rest and in years to come these records will be available for anyone wishing to know where their relatives were scattered.

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Question: I would like my relative scattered at the Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance, but I don't think I can face attending, do I have to?

Answer: No. A member of our staff will be honoured to reverently scatter on your behalf. This scattering is referred to as Scatter Without Witness and is free of charge for those whose cremation took place at the Isle of Wight Crematorium.

We will record the date and location of the scattering and will be pleased to advise you of this if required.

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Question: What other options are there to lay cremated remains to rest?

Answer: Fundamentally, you must obtain the land owner's permission and possible options are:

Birch Meadow at the Crematorium - please contact our Memorials Officer and refer to our price list.

Upon an Isle of Wight Council owned grave - please contact Bereavement Services and refer to our cemeteries price list

Private land - you must get the landowner's permission first in order to comply with any legal framework.

In your own garden - please liaise with the Land Registry Office first.

Upon water - Cremated remains can be strewn at sea or into a river or stream. However, there are legalities and under no circumstances must the scattering cause any harm or distress to wildlife, members of the public or the environment. Please always liaise with the Environment Agency for current guidelines.

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Question: Can I visit the Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance on anniversaries?

Answer: You are most welcome to visit for reflection, contemplation and quiet time anytime of the year. Our Gardens are open seven days a week with pedestrian access available from Station Lane.

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Question: Do you remove ashes after they have been scattered?

Answer: No, we never removed ashes after they have been scattered.

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Question: If I book a scattering of ashes at the crematorium, will it be possible to scatter the ashes myself, or will the Crematorium staff do it?

Answer: Should you wish to you are very welcome to scatter your loved ones ashes yourself. A member of staff will show you how to use our scattering urn.

Please always remember to be mindful of the wind and to keep the scattering urn low to the ground and away from you.

Alternatively, a member of a staff will be honoured to scatter on your behalf.

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Question: Will my loved one's name be entered into your Book of Remembrance automatically?

Answer: No. For your loved one's name to appear in our Book of Remembrance you must apply to our Memorials Officer. There is a fee payable for your entry and this varies depending upon how many lines you would like written into the book. Please refer to our Memorials fees and charges list.

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Question: I have told my Funeral Director that I'd like to attend the scattering of my relative's ashes in the Gardens of Remembrance. Why haven't you contacted me to arrange this?

Answer: We encourage families to contact us whilst making the funeral arrangements to book a date and time for their loved one's scattering of ashes to take place. We understand that you are not always ready to make a decision about where to have ashes scattered until after the funeral, and that is perfectly normal. All we ask is that you contact our office to update us. When ashes remain in our care for a long time you can incur a fee for this, so it is always a good idea to get in touch to discuss your plans or to let us know you have not decided yet. To avoid being charged a monthly fee you can bring your loved ones ashes home with you until you know the time is right to arrange the scattering appointment.

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Question: I arranged with my Funeral Director to collect my loved ones ashes from the Crematorium. How do I arrange this?

Answer: Your loved ones ashes will usually be available to bring home the day following the cremation, however this can vary so it is a good idea to check by calling our office.
Before your journey to the crematorium please contact us to arrange when you would like to come to our office to collect your loved ones ashes. Our office is open Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm. We will only permit the person named on the funeral director's paperwork to collect the ashes, so you must bring photo ID with you to the crematorium office; we will not be able to let you have the ashes if you have no proof of identity.

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Question: Can I have my pet's ashes cremated with me?

Answer: No, only the deceased should be within the coffin intended for cremation, adding cremated remains whether human or animal extends the cremation time. Cremated remains should not be 'recremated'!
Animal cremated remains/ashes are deemed 'waste' by the Environment Agency and to be able to do anything with the ashes requires a permit.
We understand how meaningful the bond can be between pet and owner, unfortunately we are bound by the laws laid out in the UK and cannot allow animal cremated remains/ashes within coffins being cremated.

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Question: Can I scatter my pet's ashes in the Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance?

Answer: No, only human remains should be scattered within our Gardens of Remembrance and Cemeteries.

Animal cremated remains/ashes are deemed 'waste' by the Environment Agency and to be able to do anything with the ashes requires a permit. We do not have a licence for the burial or scattering of animals in the Gardens of Remembrance or in any of our cemeteries.

We understand how meaningful the bond can be between pet and owner, unfortunately we are bound by the laws laid out in the UK and cannot allow animal cremated remains/ashes to be scattered or buried.

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Question: What do ashes look like?

Answer: Ashes or Cremated Remains can vary in colour, they are usually a pale grey through to a darker grey colour. Their texture can vary, they can be coarse and granular or fine and powdery.

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Question: Can I have a tree planted in memory of my loved one in the Crematorium Gardens?

Answer: We have a tree planting programme which sees new saplings planted in the spring and the autumn. We plant the trees in areas of the gardens which will benefit from the planting and where the tree species will thrive. If you would like to adopt a tree, please contact in the first instance to express your interest. Our Memorials Officer will be in touch with you to advise whether there are any trees available at that time, or our plans to plant more in the coming seasons. For the costs please refer to our Memorials fees and charges list

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Question: Can I choose specific songs or music for my loved ones funeral at the Crematorium chapel?

Answer: Yes you can.
It is best to liaise with your celebrant/minister or funeral director, you can discuss the type of music you would like during the service. You can have music for your loved one to enter the chapel to, music during the service at a time of reflection and music as you and the other mourners exit the chapel.
We accept recorded music on CD or USB and ask that we receive it AT LEAST two working days before the funeral date. We will test the CD or USB to ensure it works on our music system; if there are any problems with the music we will advise you or the celebrant/funeral director as soon as it has been tested.

We have an organist who will play hymns or other music on the organ for you. Please tell your celebrant, minister or funeral director if you would like to sing hymns or have the organist play something else on the organ. Our organists are very knowledgeable with many years of experience playing in churches (and elsewhere) between them, there is not much they will not know, however at times we do ask that you provide the sheet music for anything you would like played that they do not know.

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Question: Can I play the crematorium chapel organ for my loved ones funeral?

Answer: Yes you can, but you must make us aware that you want to do this.
Please call our office on 01983 882288 or 823310 to book an appointment to come in to familiarise yourself with our organ before the date of your loved one's funeral.

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Question: How long is a service in the Crematorium chapel?

Answer: A service in the crematorium chapel is a maximum of 25 minutes long. If you think you will require more time for your loved ones service, speak to your funeral director about booking an extended service.

Services which over-run the allotted 25 minutes impact on every single service taking place for the remainder of that day and can cause great upset and distress to other families who are also grieving the loss of their loved one.

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Question: Do you offer live streaming or web casting of crematorium services/funerals?

Answer: Yes we do.
Speak to your funeral director if you would like your loved one's funeral streamed so that others unable to attend in person can watch it from a laptop or other device via the internet. We must have your request for the service to be streamed two working days before the service date. There is a fee for this service, please see our fees and charges list.

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Question: What is a Direct Cremation?

Answer: A Direct Cremation is where the deceased is cremated but there is no funeral or service immediately beforehand.
The funeral director will bring the deceased to the crematorium at a time agreed between them and the crematorium, and the cremation will usually take place that same day.
Mourners cannot attend when the deceased is brought to the crematorium.
The basic provision associated with Direct Cremation is reflected in the fee.

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Question: I have collected my loved ones ashes from the funeral director, am I allowed to open the box/urn/casket?

Answer: Yes you are, there is no law surrounding ashes remaining sealed or closed.
Most funeral directors will give you your loved one's ashes in a biodegradable urn (sometimes known as a bio box) which is a hard cardboard box. Inside the ashes will be within a bag that is usually folded closed or sealed with Sellotape. Wooden caskets are harder to open as they will need to be unscrewed (usually from the bottom of the casket). If your loved one's ashes are in a scatter tube, when the perforated seal on the top of the tube has been broken the tube cannot be resealed; we recommend that you do not break the seal until you are ready to scatter the ashes.
Some families open their loved ones casket or urn, etc so they can remove some of the ashes as a keepsake or for adding to memorial jewellery, or because the ashes are going to be laid to rest in more than one location.

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Question: Can I bring my dog into the Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance with me?

Answer: Yes you can, but your dog must remain on a short lead at all times.
If your dog fouls you must tidy up after it; you can use any of the litter bins in the gardens to dispose of the mess.

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Question: Are dogs allowed to attend funeral services at the crematorium chapel?

Answer: We are happy to allow well behaved dogs into our chapel to attend funeral services; we understand that the bond between pet and owner can be strong and sometimes it is important for a deceased's / family's pet dog to attend.
The dog must be kept on a short lead at all times and any mess the dog makes must be cleaned and tidied up by the person accompanying the dog.

We allow guide dogs and assistance dogs into funeral services in the chapel as well.

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Question: Do you have a wheelchair I can use when I attend a funeral at the crematorium?

Answer: Yes we do.
Please make sure you contact us before the date of the funeral so we know to expect you and have the wheelchair ready for you.
You can email us or call our office 01983 882288 Monday - Friday 9am-4.30pm.

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Question: Can you divide my loved one's ashes for me before I collect them from you or the funeral director?

Answer: The Cremation Regulations 2008 require a cremation authority to give all of the ashes, following a cremation, to the applicant or nominated representative only. We are permitted to divide ashes into two or more containers if requested by the applicant, but all containers must be given to the applicant and all containers must be collected by the applicant at the same time ensuring they provide us with photographic ID beforehand.

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Question: Can I have a slideshow of photographs of my loved one at their funeral in the crematorium chapel?

Answer: Yes, you can have a slideshow of no more than 25 images.
Please liaise with your celebrant, minister or funeral director in creating the slideshow.
It must be provided to the crematorium office at least two working days before the funeral date. The slideshow must be in mp4 format on a USB stick/flash drive. We will test that the slideshow works when we receive it and advise the funeral director of the outcome.

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Question: Can I have a photo of my loved one displayed in the Crematorium chapel?

Answer: Yes, you can, you have two options:
Provide your funeral director with a good quality digital image of your loved one in jpeg format. They will email that image to the crematorium who will arrange for the image to be displayed on the large screen in the crematorium chapel throughout your loved one's service. We must receive the image at least two working days before the funeral date.

Alternatively if you have a framed photograph that you would like displayed in the chapel we have easels you can use for this purpose, please speak to your celebrant, minister or funeral director about this. They will let us know so that we can make sure the correct easel is available for you.

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Question: There are young children attending an upcoming funeral at the crematorium, is it possible to bring them to the crematorium chapel to familiarise themselves with the surroundings?

Answer: Yes it is.
Please email us or call our office Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm 01983 882288 to make an appointment for a chapel tour with a member of the Bereavement Services Team. We can show you the chapel and surrounding areas and talk to you about what will happen on the day of the funeral; we welcome any questions from the children should they have any.
There is no charge for this.

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Question: I am autistic and anxious about attending a funeral at the crematorium, will I be able to visit the crematorium to have a look around and familiarise myself with the surroundings before the funeral date?

Answer: Yes this is possible.
Please email us or call our office Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm 01983 882288 to make an appointment for a chapel tour with a member of the Bereavement Services Team. We can show you the chapel and surrounding areas and talk to you about what will happen on the day of the funeral; we welcome any questions you might have so please feel free to write these down before your appointment and bring with you. You can take photos if you feel it will help you to refer back to them in the lead up to the day of the funeral. If we can make any arrangements for you on the day of the funeral to make your experience less challenging please let us know.
There is no charge for this.

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