Isle of Wight Council

Westminster House

Referrals and Assessment



If there is a need for respite please contact your allocated social worker on 01983 823340. 

The Initial Adult Social Care Contact Team can be contacted on 01983 814980 for a referral for respite services. 

Parents, individuals or carers can contact Westminster House on 01983 526310, if the individual funds their own care.


When a referral is made an assessment will take place at Westminster House or at a venue of the individual’s choice.  The assessment will gather Information to determine if Westminster House can meet the individual’s needs. We need to find out the persons likes, dislikes and all the essential information to provide the best quality of care. 

After an assessment, a joint agreement will made for an informal visit . This visit is for the individual to meet staff and other service users. It will help them to familiarise themselves and make them feel comfortable within the new environment.  It will also help to decide whether it is suitable for those individual’s needs and requirements.

Once all the above has taken place then respite plans and dates can be booked and arranged.

There is a cost for services provided by Westminster House. 

A referral is made to the Financial Assessment and Charging Team by a social care worker. The team will visit you to discuss your individual circumstances and assess your ability to pay towards the cost of the services.