Isle of Wight Council

Training Courses

Safeguarding Foundation

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Target Group:

Any member of the workforce or volunteer who has regular face to face contact with children in the course of their work.

Course Aims:

To improve the attendee’s competence and confidence in fulfilling their responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their organisation.

Intended Impact:

At foundation level best practice related to ‘spotting the signs’ should focus on the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioural indicators, not just an exhaustive list of signs and symptoms.

The focus is on ensuring staff are aware of their responsibility; who, when, where, and how to signpost.

All delegates will have an awareness of the increased risk and vulnerability of groups including young carers, NEET, looked after children, and children with disabilities.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Review the concepts of child development, resilience, parenting capacity and consider these within the context of Safeguarding
• Understand the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Threshold for services chart and utilise to make decisions about appropriate responses to children
• Understand the purpose of Serious Case Reviews and how they can relate directly to our practice
• To define safeguarding, understand your role and responsibility in line with key legislation
• Know who to contact, where to seek advice and guidance, and where to signpost in relation to a safeguarding concern
• Be able to define the 4 main categories of abuse (neglect, physical, emotional, sexual)
• Be able to recognise the physical, behavioural, cognitive, and emotional signs and symptoms of abuse
• Develop an awareness of the relevance of parental, family, and carer factors such as domestic abuse and violence, mental and physical ill-health including in the perinatal period, substance and alcohol misuse, and the impact on the unborn child/child’s wellbeing
• Recognise the significance of a child not being brought to appointments where appropriate to role and the importance of recording ‘was not brought’ instead of ‘did not attend'
• Understand how to record and report safeguarding concerns in line with local safeguarding policy and process
• Know what to do if they feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously or in the event of experiencing any other barriers to escalation
• Be clear on communicating with children about Safeguarding issues, recognise the importance of listening to children and young people and know how to be proactive in acting on issues and concerns, including escalation


Isle of Wight Council employees should book via the Learning Hub. External delegates can book by completing the online application form

Course Trainer:
Safe 4 Schools

Trainer Biography:

Mark Bowles – Director
Mark is a highly experienced public sector professional with experience that extends across multiple professional fields and roles. Alongside his work with Safe4Schools he is the founder of The Training Effect a UK wide provider of specialist intervention programmes to schools and organisations. Mark is highly experienced in the development of safeguarding training programmes and has designed courses for multiple LSCB’s across the UK. Mark has a particular professional interest in safeguarding issues related to risk-taking behaviours and emotional well-being

Ben Lovatt - Director
Ben is a professionally qualified coach, consultant and facilitator with a breadth and depth of experience in the development, implementation, and auditing of safeguarding policy & practice. With extensive experience of designing and delivering school-based services and driving organisational change, Ben is highly knowledgeable and experienced in ensuring that all training and facilitation is dynamic, engaging and thought-provoking

Date: 12 July 2024    Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Date: 13 September 2024    Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm

The Learning Centre, Westridge, Brading Road, Ryde, IOW PO33 1QS

External: £60.00
(Schools, Non-Subscribing Early Years Providers, Partner Agencies, Personal Assistants, Additional Places for Short Breaks Providers, and Social Care Agencies)

30% Reduction of External Rate: £42.00
(Registered Charities and Contracted ASC Providers)

Early Years Providers: Fully funded through subscription payment
(Subscribing Early Years and Childminders)

Isle of Wight Council Staff: Fully funded through corporate training budget