Isle of Wight Council

Current Job Vacancies

All Current Job Vacancies are listed below. Jobs are listed by their category and department.

To find more information about working for the Isle of Wight Council, please visit: Opportunities with the Isle of Wight Council.


Payroll Services

Payroll Officer

Ref: 5417

Care and Support Work

Gouldings Resource Centre (promoting independence through short-term re-ablement and respite care)

Casual Support Worker - Gouldings Resource Centre (Ref: 2024_821)

Ref: 5043

Beaulieu House (a children’s residential & respite service)

Casual Support Workers - Newport (Ref: 2021_1113)

Ref: 3530

Isle of Wight PA Noticeboard

Personal Assistants - PAs in Care (Ref: PA)

Ref: 2781

Community Outreach and Reablement Team

Response Coordinator

Ref: 5397

Saxonbury (a council run home for adults with learning disabilities)

Senior Support Worker - Saxonbury (Ref: 2024_979)

Ref: 5187

Countryside and Outdoors

Road Crossing Patrols

Road Crossing Patrol Officer (Ref: 2023_524)

Ref: 4946

Road Crossing Patrol Officer (Ref: 2024_921)

Ref: 5133


Education Psychology

Educational Psychologists x2 (Ref: 2024_1062)

Ref: 5276

Broadlea Primary School

KS2 Class Teacher

Ref: 5418

KS2 Learning Support Assistant

Ref: 5415

Wroxall Primary School

Learning Support Assistant

Ref: 5405

Education Psychology

Principal Educational Psychologist (Ref: 2024_1028)

Ref: 5302

Wroxall Primary School

SEN Administrator Assistant

Ref: 5419

Brighstone C.E. Aided Primary School

SEN Teaching Assistant

Ref: 5414

St George's School

Technology Teacher - St Georges School (Ref: 2024_905)

Ref: 5117


Transport and Highways

Public Transport and Enhanced Partnership Delivery Officer

Ref: 5416


Financial Accounting

Treasury Accountant

Ref: 5395


Housing Options Team

Housing Finance Administration Officer

Ref: 5412

Human Resources

Human Resources

HR Casual Bank

Ref: 5411

Leisure and Tourism

1Leisure (The Heights Leisure Centre and Medina Leisure Centre)

Casual Fitness Instructors (Ref: 2023_585)

Ref: 4809

Dinosaur Isle Museum

Education Officer

Ref: 5413

1Leisure (The Heights Leisure Centre and Medina Leisure Centre)

Group Fitness Instructors - Casual (Ref: 2023_420)

Ref: 4663

Leisure Attendants (Casual) (Ref: 2023_419)

Ref: 4662

Swimming Instructors - Casual (Ref: 2021_1114)

Ref: 3554


Building Control

Area Building Control Surveyor (Ref: 2024_1093)

Ref: 5349

Planning Policy

Land Drainage and Flood Risk Officer

Ref: 5316

Regulatory Services


Trainee Assistant Licensing Officer

Ref: 5379


Team IWC Flexible

Team IWC Flexible - Casual Bank Work (Ref: TEAMIWC)

Ref: 3156

Social Services

Permanence Team - Adoption Hub

Adoption Social Worker

Ref: 5389

Isle of Wight Fostering

Local Authority Foster Carers (Ref: IWCF)

Ref: 3706

Children's Social Care

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub Social Workers

Ref: 5332

Adult Safeguarding

Senior Social Worker

Ref: 5403

Learning Disability Team and Transition

Senior Social Worker

Ref: 5407

Shared Lives

Shared Lives Carers (Ref: SLC)

Ref: 3042

Wellbeing & Access Hub

Social Worker

Ref: 5348

Children with Disability

Social Worker

Ref: 5408

Isle of Wight Fostering

Supported Lodgings Providers (Ref: IWCLP)

Ref: 3707

You First Isle of Wight

Volunteer Donations Coordinator (Ref: YOU)

Ref: 3477

Youth Justice Service

Youth Justice Service Social Worker

Ref: 5410


Targeted Family Support Team

Volunteers - Community Buddies

Ref: 5398

Volunteers - Family Champions

Ref: 5399

Volunteers - Mentors

Ref: 5400

Volunteers - Transportation

Ref: 5401

Volunteers - Youth Justice

Ref: 4043