All Current Job Vacancies are listed below. Jobs are listed by their category and department.
To find more information about working for the Isle of Wight Council, please visit: Opportunities with the Isle of Wight Council.
Payroll Services
Payroll Officer
Ref: 5417
Gouldings Resource Centre (promoting independence through short-term re-ablement and respite care)
Casual Support Worker - Gouldings Resource Centre (Ref: 2024_821)
Ref: 5043
Beaulieu House (a children’s residential & respite service)
Casual Support Workers - Newport (Ref: 2021_1113)
Ref: 3530
Isle of Wight PA Noticeboard
Personal Assistants - PAs in Care (Ref: PA)
Ref: 2781
Community Outreach and Reablement Team
Response Coordinator
Ref: 5397
Saxonbury (a council run home for adults with learning disabilities)
Senior Support Worker - Saxonbury (Ref: 2024_979)
Ref: 5187
Road Crossing Patrols
Road Crossing Patrol Officer (Ref: 2023_524)
Ref: 4946
Road Crossing Patrol Officer (Ref: 2024_921)
Ref: 5133
Education Psychology
Educational Psychologists x2 (Ref: 2024_1062)
Ref: 5276
Broadlea Primary School
KS2 Class Teacher
Ref: 5418
KS2 Learning Support Assistant
Ref: 5415
Wroxall Primary School
Learning Support Assistant
Ref: 5405
Education Psychology
Principal Educational Psychologist (Ref: 2024_1028)
Ref: 5302
Wroxall Primary School
SEN Administrator Assistant
Ref: 5419
Brighstone C.E. Aided Primary School
SEN Teaching Assistant
Ref: 5414
St George's School
Technology Teacher - St Georges School (Ref: 2024_905)
Ref: 5117
Transport and Highways
Public Transport and Enhanced Partnership Delivery Officer
Ref: 5416
Financial Accounting
Treasury Accountant
Ref: 5395
Housing Options Team
Housing Finance Administration Officer
Ref: 5412
1Leisure (The Heights Leisure Centre and Medina Leisure Centre)
Casual Fitness Instructors (Ref: 2023_585)
Ref: 4809
Dinosaur Isle Museum
Education Officer
Ref: 5413
1Leisure (The Heights Leisure Centre and Medina Leisure Centre)
Group Fitness Instructors - Casual (Ref: 2023_420)
Ref: 4663
Leisure Attendants (Casual) (Ref: 2023_419)
Ref: 4662
Swimming Instructors - Casual (Ref: 2021_1114)
Ref: 3554
Building Control
Area Building Control Surveyor (Ref: 2024_1093)
Ref: 5349
Planning Policy
Land Drainage and Flood Risk Officer
Ref: 5316
Trainee Assistant Licensing Officer
Ref: 5379
Team IWC Flexible
Team IWC Flexible - Casual Bank Work (Ref: TEAMIWC)
Ref: 3156
Permanence Team - Adoption Hub
Adoption Social Worker
Ref: 5389
Isle of Wight Fostering
Local Authority Foster Carers (Ref: IWCF)
Ref: 3706
Children's Social Care
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub Social Workers
Ref: 5332
Adult Safeguarding
Senior Social Worker
Ref: 5403
Learning Disability Team and Transition
Senior Social Worker
Ref: 5407
Shared Lives
Shared Lives Carers (Ref: SLC)
Ref: 3042
Wellbeing & Access Hub
Children with Disability
Isle of Wight Fostering
Supported Lodgings Providers (Ref: IWCLP)
Ref: 3707
You First Isle of Wight
Volunteer Donations Coordinator (Ref: YOU)
Ref: 3477
Youth Justice Service
Youth Justice Service Social Worker
Ref: 5410
Targeted Family Support Team
Volunteers - Community Buddies
Ref: 5398
Volunteers - Family Champions
Ref: 5399
Volunteers - Mentors
Ref: 5400
Volunteers - Transportation
Ref: 5401
Volunteers - Youth Justice
Ref: 4043