Local Authorities are required under the Childcare Act 2006, Section 6 to ensure that there is sufficient, quality, flexible, sustainable childcare for parents and carers The Childcare Act 2006 defines childcare sufficiency as ‘sufficient to meet the requirement of parents in the (Local Authority’s) area who require childcare in order to enable them:
a) To take up or remain in work
b) To undertake education or training which could reasonably be expected to assist them to obtain work.
c) May have regard to any childcare which they expect to be available outside their area.
In order to meet the sufficiency duty local authorities are required to undertake a detailed assessment of the supply of, and demand for, childcare in their area. Qa Research was commissioned to undertake the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment on behalf of the Local Authority. The assessment included research and consultation with parents / carers, children and young people, employers, and providers.
This document presents the key findings of the assessment in line with nine indicators of sufficiency:
- Sufficiency of Places
- Range of Provision
- Quality
- Flexibility
- Accessibility (geographical issues)
- Knowledge and Information
- Affordability
- Inclusivity/Meeting Particular Needs
- Sustainability