Isle of Wight Council

Educating at Home

Guidance and Policy on Elective Home Education (EHE)

On 2 April 2019 the Department for Education published new non-statutory guidance for local authorities on Elective Home Education.

Parents or carers may decide to provide home-based education for their children instead of sending them to school. This is usually referred to as ‘elective home education’. We, with general responsibility for education in the area, recognise that home education is a key aspect of parental choice. It is equal, in law, to education provided in school. We take the lead role in working with home educators and the young people who are being electively home educated on the Island. We are able to advise and guide home educators, where requested, through consultation and online guidance materials.

This service is part of our development to improve our website and can now be found on our new beta website.