Isle of Wight Council

A-Z Index of Council Services

This page contains an A-Z listing of all the Services the Isle of Wight Council provides to the public. To search for a service please enter keywords below or use the A-Z menu to search services alphabetically.

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A-Z List of Services

Please click on a letter to see services.

Hackney Carriage (Licensing Taxis)
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence
Hairdressing (Skin Piercing / Tattooing / Acupuncture)
Harassment Help (Community Safety Services)
Hardship funds (Local Council Tax Support - Scheme)
Have a say (IW Youth - Rights and Participation)
Haven (Ventnor Haven)
Hazardous Waste and Emergencies
Hazardous Waste and Emergencies (Hazardous Waste and Emergencies)
Health and Safety at work - Investigation
Health and Safety at Work - Regulation and Inspection (External)
Health Suite (Heights Health Suite)
health walks (Sports Development Unit)
Healthy Lifestyles (Public Health)
Healthy Living (Public Health)
Hearing Impaired (Sensory Support Team)
Hearing Impaired Service (Specialist SEN Services)
Heat Mapping (Energy Management)
Heat Networks (Energy Management)
Heatwave (Severe weather)
HECA (Energy Initiatives)
Hedge Cutting
Hedgerow Regulations 1997 (Hedgerow Removal Notices)
Hedgerow Removal Notices
Heights (Leisure Services (authority managed facilities))
Heights Health Suite
Help Managing Your Affairs and Decision Making (Adult Social Care - Advocacy)
Help through Crisis (Local Assistance Scheme)
Help to Buy (Shared Ownership)
Heritage (Newport Roman Villa)
Heritage Education Service (HES)
Highways - Animals - Dead
Highways - Brown Signs
Highways - Bus Shelters
Highways - Development Control
Highways - Disabled Parking Bays
Highways - Dropped Kerbs/ Vehicle Crossovers
Highways - Flooding or blocked drains and gullies
Highways - Flyposting
Highways - Maintenance
Highways - Network Management
Highways - Road Closures
Highways - Street Cleaning
Highways - Street Naming and Numbering
Highways PFI
HMO Licensing (Homes in Multiple Occupancy - Register)
Holiday Homes (Council Tax)
Home Adaptations - Disabled People
Home Education (Educating at Home)
Home Energy Conservation Act (Energy Initiatives)
Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (Warm Front Scheme)
Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (Housing Renewal)
Home for the Elderly (Adelaide and Gouldings)
Home Improvements (Housing Renewal)
Home Improvements - Adaptation to a Council Property (Housing Renewal)
Home Improvements - Home Repair Assistance Grant (Housing Renewal)
Home Library Service
Home Schooling (Educating at Home)
Home to School (School Transport Eligibility)
Home to School Transport (School Transport)
Homeless Section - Housing Solutions
Homes in Multiple Occupancy - Register
Horse Riding (Public Rights of Way)
House History on the Isle of Wight (Record Office)
Housebound Library Service (Home Library Service)
Household Pests (Pest Control)
Household Waste and Recycling
Housing Benefit
Housing Benefit - Local Housing Allowance (LHA) (Housing Benefit)
Housing Benefit - Overpayments (Housing Benefit)
Housing Grants (Housing Renewal)
Housing Needs Surveys (Community Planning)
Housing Renewal
Housing Solutions (Homeless Section - Housing Solutions)
How to pay the council
Human Resources