Isle of Wight Council

Document Library A to Z

Documents beginning with the letter 'S'

This Habitat Action Plan has been prepared through consultation with a range of organisations and specialists within the Isle of Wight BAP Partnership. It covers a ten-year period from 2004-2014, with a review in 2009. This action plan embraces a number of estuarine and coastal habitats that are identified as individual habitatstypes within the UK BAP. The plan will assist in ensuring that national objectives for coastal and estuarine habitats identified under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan are translated into effective action on the Island, taking into account local issues. The habitats occur in the major estuaries and along the Solent coastline.

The Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight NHS, together with the Isle of Wight Rural Community Council and the Voluntary Sector Cabinet, have asked Island residents, including our voluntary and community organisations (VCOs), how we can create a thriving third sector on the Isle of Wight. This strategy reflects what people have told us. It sets out what we want to achieve and a way of meeting the many national and local objectives for our community including Eco Island, our Sustainable Community Strategy.

This document sets out the Isle of Wight Council’s policy, for the next three years,
commencing on 31 January 2010, in respect of its licensing functions under the
Gambling Act 2005. Hereafter, the Isle of Wight Council shall be referred to as the
‘Licensing Authority’. During this three year period the Policy will be kept under
review and may be revised by the Licensing Authority at any time.

This document sets out the Isle of Wight Council’s policy in respect of its licensing functions for street trading in the Isle of Wight.

The funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 45-53 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
The changes in the 2013 Scheme are those directed by the Department for Education and relfect the changes to Education Funding which were implemented in April 2013. All changes are shown in bold italics.

The Council currently has two separate contracts that provide support and advice to people with

a sensory impairment. The contract supporting people with sight impairment is run by the Isle of

Wight Society for the Blind whilst the other contract supporting people with a hearing impairment

is run by Action on Hearing Loss.

The intention is to bring together both of these services into one single contract and to provide

increased support to people who are deaf blind, children in transition who are not in education

and people with other related sensory impairments.

The Local Government Finance Bill 2012 and the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 amend the Local Government Finance Act 1992 allowing local discretion over the implementation of certain discounts and charges applied within the Council Tax regime.   The changes in legislation require the Council to determine the levels of discounts in respect of second homes, dwellings which are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished and dwellings which are unoccupied, substantially unfurnished and in need of repair.  Section 11 Policy

“Sexual health is an important aspect of health and wellbeing. This needs assessment brings together the information we need to understand sexual health issues for island residents and helps us plan for future service provision. Responsibilities for commissioning sexual health services are now with the Isle of Wight Council, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England. We will use this needs assessment to ensure that we have comprehensive services for the whole population.”

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all staff working within the department are aware of their roles and responsibilities in respect of work to safeguard children.

User guidance for staff to access there payslips online

The funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 48 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
The changes in the 2015 Scheme are those directed by the Department for Education in August 2015.

The presentation slides regarding the Solent Deal consultation; presented by Councillor Jonathan Bacon (Leader) and John Metcalfe (Chief Executive) of the Isle of Wight Council, at stakeholder meetings during August and September 2016, including the public meeting held on 31 August 2016 at Medina Theatre.

Information regarding changes to Private LHA tenants under the age of 35

Guidance for early years providers, mainstream schools and colleges to support children and young people who do not have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan

This is the Isle of Wight's framework taken from DCLGs financial framework.

Information relating to the phasing of works for St Marys junction improvements

Notice of proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

Proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

Photograph associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

Document 1 (The Plan) associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1939 OS Extract Document 2 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1947 OS Extract Document 3 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1961 OS Extract Document 4 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1906 Scheme of Management document 6 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

Common Register Extract document 7 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1970 OS Extract document 8 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

1993 Planning Consent document 9 associated with the proposal to amend the Common Land Register (CL20) by removing the public conveniences located on St Helens Green

In 2017 Portsmouth, Southampton, Gosport and Isle of Wight councils came together to adopt a partnership approach to delivering the covenant within the Solent region of the wider County of Hampshire. Entitled Strengthening Local Covenant delivery, the aim of this partnership is to:

Raise awareness among serving personnel, reservists and veterans of the support they can expect from local authorities;

Provide a broader understanding of the needs of the local veteran population as well as serving personnel during transition to civilian life;Evaluate the impact of these initiatives.

The Solent Armed Forces Covenant Partnership Board representing Portsmouth, Southampton and Gosport, and the Isle of Wight Civil Military Partnership Boards, refreshed in 2017, provides strategic governance for local delivery of the Covenant.
We estimate that 76,207 adults and children are part of the Solent Armed Forces community. The Solent Armed Forces Covenant Partnership have worked together to understand the needs of this community in the form of the Solent Armed Forces Needs Assessment

In 2017, following a local authority funding competition, the Isle of Wight Council was awarded £1.35m from the
Access Fund by the Department for Transport, to fund delivery of the three-year ‘Transforming Travel on the
Isle of Wight: Transition to Transformation’ programme.

The Smarter Choice Consultancy Ltd. and Lorax Environmental Associates have been commissioned by Isle of Wight Council to independently evaluate the Transforming Travel programme. They have worked with individual projects to advise on best practice in data collection, and are using the data subsequently collected by the projects to assess Transforming Travel’s outcomes.

Following a programme of engagement and co-production with people on the Isle of Wight who have a sensory impairment or who care for someone with a sensory impairment, this report outlines the key themes and trends which were detailed in the responses received.

Verification data statement for the South East region of England in the European Election 2019.

A summary of the intended work to be completed at St Mary's junction between 30 September and 20 December.

Press release announcing the start date of phases 1-4 of the St Mary's junction improvement scheme.

Press release announcing start date of phases 1-4 of the St Mary's junction improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions for the St Mary's junction improvement scheme.

Press release about the St Mary's junction improvements public information evening on 17 October 2019.

Press release detailing phase 3 works at St Mary's junction - 1 November 2019.

Simplified maps showing the traffic management arrangements for the first four phases of the St Mary's Junction Improvement scheme.

Southbound - towards Newport - traffic management arrangements at St Mary's roundabout, from January 2020.

A press release issued in December 2019 providing an update on the improvements works at St Mary's roundabout.

State Aid Law is the means by which the European Union regulates state funded support to businesses.

Simple guidelines for the public for when they want to use IWC's social media platforms.

Consultation on Isle of Wight Council’s proposed Special Educational Needs (SEN) banding framework for children and young people who have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans in mainstream schools.

Consultation on Isle of Wight Council’s proposed Special Educational Needs (SEN) banding framework for children and young people who have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans in mainstream schools.

Suicide Postvention Protocol for schools and colleges - to support educational establishments to develop their own postvention plan and to provide support if a suspected death by suicide, has occurred (pupil or teaching staff). 

An introduction and brief paper to explain what the draft Island planning Strategy will be doing

A study undertaken to identify potential coastal defence schemes in Sandown Bay. Isle of Wight Council. 2019.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when the council will seek the views of local people, business and key organisations on local planning matters.

Self-employed income and expenditure form for the assessment of Housing Benefit and Local Council Tax Support

The content of this report is designed to provide an evidence base for the flood risk, drainage and other
classifications used to attribute each of the potential development sites with.

All appendices documents to accompany the Strategic Flood Risk assessment

 Information leaflet about the supporting families programme.

 Information leaflet about the supporting families programme for professionals. Including details on the referral process.

A guide to set up a reading group, in order to borrow regular reading sets from the Isle of Wight Library Service

Short Breaks Activity Guide Application Guidance Notes - the document will support providers in applying for funding to run activities aimed at children and young people with a disability and/or additional needs.

School Admissions Document September 2024 - Supplementary Information Form

A list containing the contact details for schools on the Isle of Wight.

School Admissions Document September 2024 - Supplementary Information Form

School Admissions Document September 2024 - Supplementary Information Form

The council's Statement of Intent gives details on how the council will determine which low income and vulnerable households are eligible for ECO4 (energy efficiency grants) under the scheme rules and routes. The Statement of Intent version six was published on 21st March 2023.

S31 - Land adj to Carisbrooke Castle -  Papermill Field & Castle Garden Field 

S31 - Rowborough Estate, Bowcombe and Hill Farm and Garstons Farm, Gatcombe  - map

The Short Breaks Summer Activity Guide 2023 includes details of activities available this summer for children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities. 

Conservation areas are designated areas considered to be of special architectural or historic interest. Areas are selected as a conservation area to preserve their character and appearance.

A guidance document to take forward the issues raised from the consultation and consider them in the context of legislation, policy and community interest to enable the development of a plan of action for maintaining, enhancing and making a positive contribution to the special interest of Sandown Conservation Area.

This document, our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), sets out the opportunities people will have to give the council their views on emerging policy in development plans and planning applications.

This statement details how short breaks and support services for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs are organised, and how they can be accessed by you and your family.

Legal application form called S147 to apply to place a stile or gate across a public right of way.

This letter from the external auditors explains why there is a delay in auditing the 2022/23 accounts.

Recruitment Brochure for the recruitment to the role of Service Director - Education and Inclusion, Children's Services. 

Short Breaks activity guide for the period 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024. 

Recruitment Booklet and Job Summary  for the post of Service Director for Childrens Social Care 

The Social Isolation Index 2023 explores the vulnerabilities associated with an increased risk of social isolation. This written narrative supports the data available on the Healthy Places Power BI. There is also a larger report covering all the Hampshire districts which is linked to within this IOW document.

This document provides context and the necessary information about the proposals being made to the Post 16 Transport Policy. 

The Isle of Wight Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on proposed changes to the School Transport Policy (previously called the Home to School Transport Entitlement Policy).

The School Transport Policy (the Policy) sets out the legal responsibilities that the Council has in order to provide assistance with transport to school or another education setting for children and young people living in the local authority area.

The Council understands that some children and young people’s needs will mean they will always require travel assistance. The Council, regardless of any decisions made, will continue to meet its statutory requirements in relation to School Transport.

This is a downloadable response form, which can be printed, for the School Transport Consultation 2024.

This is an accessible easy read companion document for the School Transport Consultation 2024. 

Short Breaks Summer Guide 2024 gives details of the activities on offer for the summer. 

Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2024
Police Area Returning Officer (PARO)
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Area

A supplementary planning document that provides guidance and information on sustainable drainage systems within new development

An document setting out the adoption details for the SuDS SPD

A summary of the comments made during the public consultation period on the SuDS SPD and changes made to the document as a result

A stage 1 equalities impact assessment of the SuDS SPD

Appendix A to the SuDS SPD setting out standard guidance and principles for SuDS on the Isle of Wight

Appendix C to the SuDS SPD which provides flood risk maps for fluvial, surface water and groundwater

Appendix D to the SuDS SPD that outlines the validation checklist covering documents to include in a planning application covering SuDS

Section 151 Officer notice on the delay in the publication of the 2023-24 draft unaudited accounts.

This document identifies the qualities and character of the Shalfleet Conservation Area and highlights key challenges and opportunities for its future management.  

There are lots of ways to reduce your risk of falling.

Start making your action plan today and look at the following

St Mary’s Church and Brook House Conservation Area Character Map. Detailing the boundary of the character area within the Brook Conservation Area.

summary of comments made on the first IPS reg 18 consultation and a short council response

The 2018 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment including the methodology of how sites were assessed

Dedicated Schools Grant ‘Safety Valve’ Agreement: Isle of Wight - PDF/A for publication - document from the Department for Education

SEN Education Safety Valve plan June 2024 - Delivery plan, risks, mitigations and work streams

A form for people to fill in for self-build and custom-build planning applications

Sandown Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Schedule   provides a list of the properties which are included in this direction.

Sandown Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Map showing all the properties included in the Article 4 direction. 

Conservation Area Appraisal for the Sandown Conservation Area. This document was adopted on 27 April 2011.

School Transport Policy - to assess eligibility for students to receive transport to school from home, if they meet requirements of policy

Seaview Conservation Area Character Map. Detailing the boundary of the character area of Seaview Conservation Area.

Seaview Conservation Area Character Appraisal adopted on 03 September 2007

Seaview Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Schedule provides a list of the properties which are included in this direction.

Seaview Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Map showing all the properties included in the Article 4 direction. 

Shanklin Conservation Area Character Map.  Detailing the boundary of the character area within the Shanklin Conservation Area.

Shanklin Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Schedule provides a list of the properties which are included in this direction.


Shanklin Conservation Area Article 4 Direction Map showing all the properties included in the Article 4 direction. 

St Helens (The Duver) Conservation Area Character Appraisal adopted June 2007

Short Breaks Winter Guide, with activities running from 1st October 2024 - 31st March 2025

Application form to enable parents/guardians to apply for a Year 7 secondary school place for September 2025.