Isle of Wight Council

Speech, Language and Communication Service (Speech and Language Therapy)

Speech and Language Support Information & upcoming events

Elklan networking events 2020/21

Date  Time Venue Book
2 Feb 2021 13:00 - 15:00 Virtual - Microsoft Teams Course
21 May 2021 13:00 - 15:00 Thompson House, Sandy Lane, Newport PO30 3NA Course


Networking events are open to all staff who have participated in a previous or current Elklan training programme.

LAACES project

The SSLST is working with all speech and language therapy providers on the Isle of Wight as part of a LAACES project. LAACES stands for local augmentative and alternative communication (AAC – communication means other than talking e.g. using a picture system or electronic device) services. The LAACES project is a 3 year pilot supported by the ACE centre. It is to work with local agencies to improve the provision of local AAC services. The ACE centre is a charity organisation that specialises in augmentative and alternative communication and assistive technology. They have a wealth of specialist knowledge and expertise.

View more information on the ACE centre.

The offer from the ACE centre as part of this project is a 3 year commitment providing support with members of the team to improve and develop our local AAC service. The project could enable people greater participation in our local community, education and health services.