Isle of Wight Council

Scrap Metal Dealer Registration

Frequently Asked Questions for this Service

Question: How do I apply for a Scrap Metal Dealer's licence?

Answer: You can download an application form via the related link. Alternatively you can obtain an application form from the Licensing Section on 01983 823159 or by emailing

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Question: Do I need a Site Licence or a Collector's Licence?

Answer: A site licence authorises the licence holder to carry on business at any site in the Council's area which is identified in the licence. A site licence holder cannot regularly engage in collecting waste materials and old, broken, worn out or defaced articles by meas of visits from door-to-door in the area they are licensed or elsewhere. A site licence holder can transport scrap metal from third party businesses by arrangement from any other local council area providing it is in the course of the business from that site.
A collector's licence authorises the licence holder to carry on business as a mobile collector in the council's area only. Even if the material is provided free of charge, a licence is required to sell it on. A collector's licence in the name of a company will cover any employees working for the business. A collector's licence is required in each council area where mobile collecting is carried on.

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Question: Are there any other permits or registrations that I need if I am dealing in Scrap Metal?

Answer: You will also need to obtain the relevant permit ( a Waste Carrier) from the Environment Agency - Related Link

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Question: Where can I obtain the Basic Disclosure I am required to submit with my application?

Answer: A Basic Disclosure can be obtained from Disclosure Scotland via the related link, and is required for any person listed on the applications form, i.e. the site manager (if a site licence), each partner (if a partnership) and if a company, for all directors, shadow directors and company secretary. - Related Link

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Question: What is the cost of the licence fee?

Answer: The fee for a site licence is currently £325.00
The fee for a collector's licence is £195.00

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Question: How long does a licence last?

Answer: The licence lasts for 3 years from the date of issue

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Question: Can I buy scrap metal for cash?

Answer: No. Since October 2013 cash cannot be used by any scrap metal dealer to buy scrap metal. It is an offence and there are no exemptions. Only payment by a non-transferable cheque or an electronic transfer of funds will be acceptable. This is so that the payment will be linked to a readily identifiable account, for both the payee and the payer.
Cheques must be 'crossed cheques' payable to a named individual or firm and NOT made out to cash.
Electronic transfers such as direct debit, credit transfers, standing orders, on-line, phone and mobile banking are all acceptable forms of payment.

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Question: I am a Motor Salvage Operator. Do I need a separate licence?

Answer: No. Motor Salvage Operators are now included in the definition of a Scrap Metal Dealer, and will need the relevant licence under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.

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Question: I run a skip hire company. Do I need a Scrap Metal Dealer's licence?

Answer: You MAY need a licence, depending on the circumstances.
If the buying or selling of scrap metal forms such a minimal part of the overall business that the definition of a scrap metal dealer is not met, no licence will be required.
Further information can be obtained from the Licensing Department on 01983 823159.

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Question: I am a plumber (or an electrician). If I buy or sell scrap metal will I require a licence?

Answer: If the buying or selling of scrap metal is an incidental function of your business you will not require a licence.

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