Isle of Wight Council

JSNA - Overview

Frequently Asked Questions for this Service

Question: What information is available on the Isle of Wight Facts & Figures site?

Answer: Social, demographic, health, population and geographic information relating to the Isle of Wight - Related Link

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Question: What is the Isle of Wight Facts and Figures site?

Answer: The Isle of Wight Facts and Figures site is the Isle of Wight's public repository for data and analyses of data relating to all aspects of the IW's population and geography, particularly including data relating to census, consumer, health, social and geographic features of the IW, and analyses of the data generated to provide formal datasets required for statutory purposes (for example the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the Safer Neighbourhoods Agreement) and for ad-hoc purposes (customer surveys, enquiries on crime type etc) - Related Link

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Question: What is the point of the Isle of Wight Facts and Figures pages?

Answer: The IW Facts and Figures pages are the focal point for a wide variety of social, geographic, health and other datasets which historically have been maintained and distributed by different public organisations in different formats. The aim of the site is to replace the many different versions of public data relating to the Isle of Wight with a single vehicle for data collection, analysis and publication. The principle idea behind is that public information should be made as available to as many people as possible - Related Link

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Question: Is there any personal information on the Isle of Wight Facts and Figures pages and is it secure?

Answer: No, there is no personally identifiable information on the Facts and Figures website. Any analysis which includes low numbers that may be identifiable are supressed before publication. - Related Link

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