Isle of Wight Council

Health and Safety at work - Investigation

Frequently Asked Questions for this Service

Question: How can I contact the Health and Safety Executive?

Answer: By Phone: Infoline on 0845 345 0055

By Post: Health & Safety Executive, Priestly House, Priestly Road, Basingstoke, Hants. - Related Link

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Question: Do health and safety regulations apply to people who work from home?

Answer: Most of the Regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Act apply to homeworkers as well as to employees working at an employer's workplace. Employers are required to do a risk assessment of the work activities carried outy by homeworkers. Further information can be obtained from the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) web site via the related link: - Related Link

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Question: Do I need to display safety signs in the workplace?

Answer: Wherever there is a risk that has not been avoided or controlled by other means (e.g. by engineering controls and safe systems of work), employers are required to provide specific safety signs. Where a safety sign would not help to reduce that risk, or where the risk is not significant, there is no need to provide a sign. Further information can be obtained from the HSE web site via the related link: - Related Link

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Question: I think a shop/restaurant/other premises is unsafe and poses a danger to members of the public, what can I do?

Answer: You can report it to the council's health and safety department, who will then investigate the problem and take appropriate action. The telephone number is 01983 823000.

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