Isle of Wight Council

Council Emergency Contacts

Environmental Health

Tel (office hours): 01983 823000

(out of office hours): 01983 821105

Fax: 01983 529804 


Environmental Health can be contacted during office hours on 823000. On Friday and Saturday evenings (18:30 –2:30) EH operate an out-of-hours service which can be contacted via 821105. During summer months (May – Sept inclusive) this also operates on a Thursday evening. Outside of these hours there is no call-out service, but in the event of an emergency, senior officers can be contacted by reference to the Council’s out-of-hours telephone number (821105). An emergency would be something that may be life threatening or have a severe immediate effect on a person’s health or need urgent attention as a result of a dangerous (or potentially dangerous) occurrence. These issues would need to be in a Food Safety, Health & Safety, or Environmental Protection context in order to involve the Environmental Health service.