Isle of Wight Council

Council Emergency Contacts

Emergency Management

Tel (office hours): 01983 823316

(out of office hours): 01983 821105

Fax: 01983 521636 


The Council’s Emergency Management Service is concerned with the well-being of the community and environment during and after emergency situations. This could range from coordinating the clean up of oiled beaches following a spill at sea, to caring for a section of the resident or visiting population which finds itself in need as a result of fire, flood or similar serious event. Plans to cater for emergency situations are regularly maintained and exercised by the Service to ensure that Council staff can respond effectively to a range of incidents which might affect the Island. The Emergency Planning Team provides a Duty Officer 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Duty Officer is responsible for activating key Council staff, advising them on appropriate measures to be taken in response to an incident and assisting in the recovery phase.